Specification parameters in Shop Drawings

Last modified by superadmin on 2021/08/30 16:20


One of the latest features in IMPACT for Revit is the possibility to insert and change values in Shop Drawings for Specification parameters and to be reflected in Project Manager and vice-versa. 


1. To start off, it is important that you create a field name for Specification parameters and specify the values in IMPACT Standard Admin. 

envi 1.png

Figure 1 - Showing the fields name and values in IMPACT Standard Admin

2. Open the Shop Drawing template and Edit the family in order to create labels for Specification parameters.

envi 2.png

Figure 2 - Label parameters in Shop drawing template family 

3. Go to the Specifications tab in Shop drawing settings and select a value for the Specification parameters and then press on Apply button. As specified before, those values are taken from the IMPACT Standard Admin. 

envi 3.png

Figure 3 - Specification parameters in Shop Drawing settings 

4. Save the element and create a Shop drawing with the same template. The Shop drawing is generated with the Specification parameters which you have specified in Shop Drawing settings 


Figure 4 - Specification parameters after generating Shop Drawing 

5. To change the values of the Specification parameters from Project Manager, find the element and go to Specifications. Now we are ready to change the values. 

Envi 5.gif

Figure 5 - Changing the Specification parameter's value from the Project Manager 

6. Go back to Revit and Update the Shop drawing. Now the new values specified in Project Manager are shown in the Shop drawing

envi 5.png

Figure 6 - Specification values changed from Project Manager and updated in the Shop drawing