Open Shop Drawing

Last modified by Catalin Turluc on 2023/08/14 14:01

When the project is growing, it usually gets a bit tricky to find specific shop drawings. The list of assemblies in the 'Project Browser' can be very long. The command 'Open Shop Drawing' have been developed to help with this. 

Open Shop Drawing

The dialog for the command has a search box, a list of drawings on the left side and a list of sheets on the right side. 


Figure 1: The dialog for 'Open Shop Drawing'.

To open a drawing, one can select one or more drawings and sheets.


Figure 2: Open one sheet.


Figure 3: Open several sheets.

The drawings can be filtered out with the search option. 


Figure 4: Search for drawings.

Sometimes, the user might know the placement of the element, but not the name of it. Then it is possible to select the element(s) with the 'pick' option.


Figure 5: Pick an element in the model to open the drawings.

New functionality of Open Shop drawing command

In IMPACT Revit release version Q3/2023, we give more flexibility to the user when using the Open Shop drawing command.


Figure 6: List of drawings in Open Shop Drawing dialogue window

Considering the IMPACT projects can contain a huge amount of elements, sometimes it can be difficult to find a specific Shop drawing for a specific element. It is now possible to select any element types in Revit model and be highlighted in the Open Shop drawing dialogue window. 

After selecting the element in model view (supported in Plan view, 3D view, Elevation view etc.), one can press on Open Shop drawing button. The drawing for the selected element in model will be the first one in the list and it will be ticked. It is also, possible to highlight multiple drawings in Open Shop drawing dialogue window.