Automatic erection date calculation function added.

Last modified by Dennis Knudsen on 2021/02/17 14:56

It's now possible to automatically calculate the planned erection date with this new function.


The initial date can be the Start or End date of the calculation - This depends on the Sequence that determines if the erection sequence is increasing or decreasing. The Grayed-out Start date or End Date is the last date of the calculation.

The Automatic calculation of the planned erection dates is based on the Erection sequence so IMPACT knows in what order the calculation should be done in. Element erection time & Crane time – So IMPACT knows how long it will take to erect the element and the Erection division so IMPACT knows how much time there will be available each day.

Erection Sequence No, Erection time, and assigned Erection division


Time Capacity of the Erection division (Working days/Hours)


Crane time for the crane (Air time - Moving the element from the truck/storage to its placement).


When all this is present then is it possible to do the automatic calculation of the planned erection date.

Automatic erection date.gif