How to Archive Files
The main purpose of File Archive is to free up space on the Cloud storage. When the project is archived are the files saved from the cloud into a Zip file and the files are deleted in the cloud. When "restore cloud storage" it used will all the files from the zip file be uploaded to the cloud storage.
Archive files also allow the users to delete the local files and free up some local space after the project has been archived.
The Archive files can be found under the "Tools" in Project Manager.
When using the Archive files function will the files be downloaded from the cloud, zipped and stored at the specified location. Before this can be done are there some criteria that need to be fulfilled.
Example of the Archive files
Before it's possible to Archive the files make sure that the project state is "Finish" and the save path for the archived files is set in "Archive Cloud File Path".
When the two things above are set make sure that all the drawings are synced and unlocked before archiving the files. If any of the drawings are locked when archiving the files a dialog box appears - This shows what files needs to be unlocked and what user have them locked. In this dialog box is it possible to notify (Automatic or Manual) the users that have locked files.
When all the files are unlocked will it be possible to archive the files - and a dialogue box will show where the files are stored in the local computer and deleted in the cloud.
After the archiving is complete is it possible to notify the users that the archive is complete and they can delete their local files.
When the files have been archived a lot of the functions regarding drawings are disabled because no new drawings should be added or modified in the archived project.
Example of Restore Cloud Storage
After the project has been archived is it possible to restore the cloud storage and make the project "Active "again.
"Restore Cloud Storage" will restore the project drawings in the Cloud storage and it will be possible to work in the project like normal.
Note: If the local files have been deleted then will the "Sync Status" be "Deleted on local disk" because it's the files in the cloud that is resorted.