File Sync - How to use the File Sync

Last modified by Dennis Knudsen on 2022/07/12 14:22

How to synchronize files

Any node in any object tree in the system with synchronization support will show the synchronization options in its context menu. Mark the node and right-click it. The context menu appears.


Figure 1: Synchronize Files in the notes

We can see two drawings in this example. One is new and should be uploaded to the cloud storage location. Note, the action says 'None' for demonstration purposes (it is automatically set to 'upload' if the file is new). This indicates that the File Sync will do nothing when the user press 'Process'. To change the action, mark any number of rows and select an action from the top row.

  • Download
    Download the file from the cloud storage to the user's project folder. This action is done when the file exists in the cloud, but not locally or needs to be updated locally.
  • Upload
    Upload the selected file to the cloud storage. It will replace any previous instances of the file on the cloud server. This will automatically be the default action if the local file is newer than the file in the cloud storage.
  • Delete
    Delete the file from the cloud storage.
  • Restore
    Restores files to the user's PC if they are not found locally. Useful if a user accidentally deletes files from their PC.


Figure 2: The Synchronize Files dialog box 

In addition, to synchronize, there is a 'download latest' function. This is useful when you just want to "download everything" quickly. Useful the first time you open a project from a template or jumps on a project that someone else has already worked on. This function is typically only used once but can come handy if a user needs to completely restore a project, say, in the event of a new computer or system reset.


Figure 3: Download Latest in the notes

There is currently no version control except for the status and which file is the newest. However, cloud storage does also works as a backup location for all files, sort of like 'git' for programmers.

Lastly, file synchronization works in both projects and standards. Talk to the support if you are interested in a more detailed description of the workflow.

Automatic locking and syncing files

In Q1/2021 was a number of improvements to the file sync introduced. The reasoning for this was to make file sync less manual and more “invisible” by automizing the file sync when working with the files.

The files are now automatically synced (Uploaded and Downloaded) when locking or unlocking a file - This prevents the annoying scenario where a user forgets to lock a file and then opens it just to the message in Autocad/BricsCAD that the file needs to be locked.

The pictures below show how the DWG file isn't synced when unlocked and how it gets synced when locked by the user. Locking the DWG can be done either by right-clicking and choose "lock" or by opening the drawing.


Figure 4: Before locking the drawing


Figure 5: Locking the drawing in PM


Figure 6: Locking the drawing when opening the drawing


Figure 5: After the drawing have been locked

Now the user has been working on the drawing so there is a newer file on disk. This should of cause be uploaded to the cloud when the user is done working on the drawing.


Figure 6: Newer version on disk

This file will automatically be synced by unlocking the file from either AutoCAD when closing down the drawing or from Project Manager.


Figure 7: Unclok and synchronize when closing down the DWG in AutoCAD


Figure 8: Unlock and synchronize in Project Manager


Figure 9: After unlocking the drawing

Automatic Sync and Notification on Components

In IMPACT 17 have the "file sync" been extended to handle the files that the users don't open or file sync that often in a more intelligent way.

This includes Automatic sync of Components and Notifications on changes to setting drawings and components files. 


To handle the Automatic file sync in the best possible way is there added new functionality to the dialogs for components that use files that need to be synced. A new "Sync and Edit" command is enabled on cloud projects. 


Figure 10: AutoCAD - Components - Sync and Edit 

When using the "Sync and Edit" will the selected component be synced so it's always the correct version of the files. 


Figure 11: AutoCAD - Components - Syncing the files

After the CIM files have been modified is it now needed to update the modified files to the cloud. This is done automatically when finishing with OK.



Figure 12: AutoCAD - Components - Uploading files

That the files get uploaded when closing down the component dialog box also ensures that the newly created components get uploaded.

Project Manager

In Project Manager will changes to the components and settings files be shown as a notification if the user has enabled show/sound in notifications and file sync notifications in the project properties.


Figure 13: Project Manager - File Sync Notification


Figure 14: Project Manager - Notification

This allows the users to easily see when there have been changes to Components and/or Settings files and act accordingly.