Create a report

Last modified by superadmin on 2023/08/23 15:44


When a report is created, it is possible to edit the general settings by marking the report in the tree-structure to the left side.

The report layout is built up by four separate areas:

  1. Header area
  2. Selection area
  3. Continous area
  4. Footer area


Labels and Formulas are copied from page 1 to following pages.
Add a page brake after PAGE_MAX_X, PAGE_MAX_Y

PAGE_MAX_X = 0 and PAGE_MAX_Y = 0 means one page only.
CONTINOUS_END_ROW and CONTINOUS_SUM_ROW are then not considered.

CONTINOUS_HEADER_ROW = 0 means no continuous header.
CONTINOUS_SUM_ROW = 0 means no continuous sum.

Header area

The header area is repeated on all the pages. Most of the reports use the standard header and standard setting of the fields.

The header fields are set up in Report Tool under Headers. The “Cell X” and “Cell Y” represents the column and row number for where the field is placed.

Selection area

Is only placed on page 1. The place (“CellX”, “Cell Y”) of the two fields is where the first selection is placed the rest will be placed according to the figure below.


Continuous area

The continuous area is the area where the data differs on each page that is printed. The fields selected for the continuous area must be placed on a row. It is possible to have the data placed in 2 rows or more for “one” line of data.

To place the data correct must “Cell Y” be set. The first line after the header for the continuous rows is “Cell Y” = 1. If it is set to 0 is the data typed in the header line.




There are also some reports that can give the column sum fields that will be printed in the "Continuous sum row” for some fields.

For some reports is it also possible to add a header text to the X-Fields and the fields after them. The text entered will be placed in the “Continuous Hear Row”.

Wide Tables

A Wide table is a table that only has one field to place in the Continuous area but there will be placed set of 10 fields.



The header for the fields in the Wide Table is set in the program depending on the field that is displaced in the field.

If there is more than 10 fields belonging to the row of data will the row be split and the next 10 fields will be printed on another page, after all the rows with data for the first 10 fields, etc. 


X-Fields is continuous fields that start with “X”. The sequence of X-fields is added the number of times set in the properties for “Cast Calendar Report Chunk”. The Cell X, Cell Y given for the field is the first place the fields. If there is placed fields after the X-fields will they be pushed to after all the X-fields in the report.


Printing Reports

Printing design reports can be printed. The tab-page is also shown in Model Viewer (in ver14) and Project Manager in ver. 15 under the menu “Print Reports”, so here can all the design reports also be printed. Some of the reports can also be printed from a production place (eg. Cast Planning in Project Manager and Resource Manager).

To print reports from Report Tool must there be selected a project (see menu File->
open Project or Recent Project).