Auto Transport

Last modified by Theib Sawaf on 2024/02/06 13:23

Auto transport is only available in PM.

The Auto Transport button in the transport module is available after selecting one or more elements in the element id grid or the model and those elements are not planned on a stack or a transport.

The strategy is to place as many elements as possible on a single transport while keeping an eye on the limits of mass, element count and element height.

The transport module performs the following verifications:

Vehicle Limitations

The loaded element count is limited to the defined vehicle element count.

Stack Limitations

The system fills the stack with elements until it hits one of the following limitations

  • element count
  • mass
  • and height on stack

The height Limit check depends on the stack type and element type.

For example when planning slabs (hollowcore, slab, form slab, prestressed form slab) on a horizontal stack the thickness of the slab is considered.

But when planning walls, the height of the wall is compared with the stack height.


Auto Transport Details

Auto Transport tries to find the last created transport and gets some of the data from there, to the Auto transport window.

Data taken:

  • Delivery data (is take from the selected elements)
  • Load date
  • Load location
  • Description
  • Transport status if it is Preliminary or planned.
  • Text1-4

When creating the transport the following issues are verified:

  • Get only the untransported elements (not on a stack or a transport)
  • Get the element rotation and stack rotation (for visual stacker)
  • Validate template
    • Mass 
      Checks that the Actual mass for each element is not bigger than MaxMass for the stack on the transport.
    • Dimensions
      Check first about the unrotated element can be on the stack and if it can’t it rotates the element with 90 degrees.
      Check for each element that the width and length of the element Is smaller than the MaxWidth and MaxLength for the stack on the transport.
    • Element Count
      Checks that the stack on the template have a element count > 0
    • Stack Height
      Checks that the thickness for each element is smaller than the MaxHeight in the stack on the transport.
  • Sort the elements after the selected erection sequence.
  • Updates the element status