Inventory Export

Last modified by Theib Sawaf on 2022/01/12 16:26


Text file, ".csv".


The export file contains element in the storage, ie. produced but still not delivered yet.


    <add key="InventoryDirectory" value="C:\IMPACT\StruSoft\Inventory\Out" />


There is 1 file for all the factories.

Filename = "Inventory_" + DateTime.Now.ToString( "yyyMMdd" ) + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString( "HHmmss" ) + ".csv";
The content of the export file is as follows (note that the first line is a title row):

1101;Stru100000;       W1044;66;Linked;;19,3;25090;331;;;;2016-05-02 00:00;2016-04-08 00:00;JST_Hall1;StruSoft;2011-03-01;Order Product
1101;Stru100001;       W1093;91;Linked;;7,71421;10028,473;331;;;;2016-05-24 00:00;2016-04-21 00:00;JST_Hall1;StruSoft;2011-03-01;Order Product
1101;Stru100002;       W1103;134;Linked;;18,2;23459,8;331;;;;2016-06-09 00:00;2016-05-06 00:00;JST_Hall1;StruSoft;D-09;Order Product
1101;Stru100003;       W1104;135;Linked;;18,2;23459,8;331;;;;2016-06-21 00:00;2016-05-23 00:00;JST_Hall1;StruSoft;D-09;Order Product
1101;666;         YP5;5;Linked;ANLÄGGNING STORPLAN;12,15;31150;417;;391015;90003556;;;;StruSoft;;Stock Item
1101;666;         YP6;18;Linked;ANLÄGGNING STORPLAN;46,72;113056;417;;391016;90003557;;;;StruSoft;;Stock Item
1101;666;        Y6P7;2;Linked;ANLÄGGNING STORPLAN;6,82;17896;417;;391920;90003585;;;;StruSoft;;Stock Item


Factory, Project, Element Mark, ElementId, Element Type, Description, Area, Cost, Element Group, Product, ItemNo1, ItemNo2, Planned Delivery Date, Production Date, Production Division, Production Factory, Storage Location, Order Type.

Below is an example in table form to show individual columns:

1101Stru100000       W104466Linked 19,325090331   2016-05-02 00:002016-04-08 00:00JST_Hall1StruSoft2011-03-01Order Product
1101Stru100001       W109391Linked 7,7142110028,47331   2016-05-24 00:002016-04-21 00:00JST_Hall1StruSoft2011-03-01Order Product
1101Stru100002       W1103134Linked 18,223459,8331   2016-06-09 00:002016-05-06 00:00JST_Hall1StruSoftD-09Order Product
1101Stru100003       W1104135Linked 18,223459,8331   2016-06-21 00:002016-05-23 00:00JST_Hall1StruSoftD-09Order Product
8201417        MPN620LinkedANLÄGGNING STORPLAN109,2328940417 39100490003564   StruSoft Stock Item
8201417        UB103LinkedANLÄGGNING STORPLAN9,7515222417 39103490003547   StruSoft Stock Item
8201417         YP46LinkedANLÄGGNING STORPLAN11,732652417 39101490003555   StruSoft Stock Item

Inventory (Storage) in IMPACT Resource Manager

Note that lines count in the RM/Storage should be the same as the IMPACT Sync Inventory export file.

The inventory export contains both ordered products (i.e. with element ids) and stock items (without element id but have balance). 
The last column (number 19) contains the type of the current row. It can be either Order Product or Stock Item.
The value presented in column 4 (ElementId) is the element id for order product or balance for stock items.
