Unitechnik Pallet Planning Export

Last modified by Theib Sawaf on 2020/11/27 15:38


The export generates 3 types of files

  • *.lsc (a file per a pallet unit. Always created)
  • *.uni (a Unitechnik file per element mark if renamed) 
  • *.json (an error file per a pallet unit, created if a Unitechnik file is missing)


    <!-- Pallet System planning export settings -->
    <!-- Pallet System planning export directory (plotter & Unitechnik ) -->

    <add key="PalletPlanningExportDirectory" value="C:\ImpactSync\StruSoft\Pallet\Out" />

    <!-- Pallet System planning Unitechnik export error files are stored under PalletPlanningExportErrorDirectory directory -->
    <add key="PalletPlanningExportErrorDirectory" value="C:\ImpactSync\StruSoft\Pallet\UnitechError" />

    <!-- Root project directory. Note this is equivalent to the server connect project setting -->
    <add key="RootProjectDirectory" value="C:\ImpactSync\Project"/> 

    <!-- If RenameUnitechnikFiles is set to YES, the Unitechnik files will be renamed to <Project>_<Drawing name>.uni -->
    <add key="RenameUnitechnikFiles" value="NO" />

    <!-- If GatherUnitechnikFiles is set to NO, the Sync will only deliver the .lsc and no message shall be written about missing Unitechnik files -->
    <add key="GatherUnitechnikFiles" value="NO" />    

    <!-- Use PalletNumberOfTries to set the number of times the Pallet functions are rerun if there is an error (Default: 5) with 20 sec interval --> 
    <add key="PalletNumberOfTries" value="15" />

    <add key="ProductionCompanyId" value="1100" />
    <add key="ProductionDivisionId" value="100000" />
    <add key="Shift" value="1" />


The destination directory (PalletPlanningExportDirectory) contains *.lsc and Unitechnik files.

Here is an example:


Pallet Unitechnik Export Rules

All the files that are exported are placed in the same folder. The folder is setup in the configuration "PalletPlanningExportDirectory". The naming of the script file and the error log are the same except the file extension (*.lsc and *.json). The error file is placed in the folder "PalletPlanningExportErrorDirectory" that is setup in the configuration of the sync.  

Script Naming

Here is the naming convention.

<Pallet Order>-<Cast Unit>-<Cast Number>.lsc 




Pallet order 

Pallet production planning order


Cast unit 

The name of the cast unit in IMPACT 


Cast no 

The cast no in IMPACT 


So, the whole file name for the above example is 00001-P007-139.lsc and if there is an error that file is called 00001-P007-139.json


Renaming of Unitechnik Files

The Unitechnik files are renamed to <project>_<drawing>.uni if the config file flag below is se to YES

<add key="RenameUnitechnikFiles" value="NO" />

Error Handling

If the file is not present in the correct directory in IMPACT, the file name is still included in the *.lsc file and there is a text written in *.json file 

{ ”message”: ”missing uni-file”, ”file”: “{name_of_file.uni}”, “project”: “{project_no}” } 

The project number and drawing name are trimmed. 

Error File Example

It is written in JSON format. Below is an example.

[{"Message":"[Missing File at path]","File":"C:\\IMPACT\\Project\\8201\\P64029631\\konstruktion\\ritningar\\P64029631.141","Standard":"8201","Project":"P64029631","ElementMark":"PL017","ElementId":141},{"Message":"[Missing File at path]","File":"C:\\IMPACT\\Project\\8201\\P64029631\\konstruktion\\ritningar\\P64029631.142","Standard":"8201","Project":"P64029631","ElementMark":"PL016","ElementId":142}]

Script Location

The script files and the Unitechnik files are placed under the same directory defined in the configuration. 


The name and path of the Unitechnik file is included in the *.lsc file. 

We assume that the destination folder (e.g. F:\Prod\PAL\LASEDIR) is empty when the sync places the files. 
If there is a file with the same name, it will just be overwritten. No files are removed by this sync. 

Script File Example

Here is an example.
