Set user passwords

Last modified by superadmin on 2023/08/23 15:45

In IMPACT User Admin it's possible to set or reset a password for a user. Navigate to Logins under Site to see the list of all existing accounts. Users can also set their own passwords in Server Connect once logged in.

Single user

Right-click on any user to bring up the context menu and select Change Password.


Figure 1: IMPACT User Admin - Logins context menu

Another dialog will appear that lets you choose which password to assign. The Repeated password must match New password for the button Change password to become clickable.


Figure 2: IMPACT User Admin - Change Password

Multiple users

It's also possible to generate random passwords for multiple users simultaneously using the function Bulk Change Password. This option is only available if more than one user is selected in the list.


Figure 3: IMPACT User Admin - Bulk Change Password...

The randomly generated passwords will be presented in a document once they've been set. Copy the information or save the document because the information isn't stored anywhere else. The result will look similar to what's shown in the image below. One column for username and one for passwords. Users can change their own password to their liking in Server Connect once logged in.


Figure 4: IMPACT User Admin - Randomly Generated passwords