Install a license server
Open the Licensing & Settings tab in the StruSoft installer and select License Help.
Figure 1: License Help in the StruSoft Installer
Clicking the License Help will open up our Guides to installation and configuration of StruSoft License System. Click on the Server installation and configuration.
Figure 2: Guides to installation and configuration of StruSoft License System
To install Lmadmin (The license server), choose the Download the quick installation here and install the Lmadmin.
Figure 3: Server installation and configuration
After the installation is done will the dashboard of FlexNet Publisher open showing the active licenses. The address for the page is localhost:8090, it is also possible to access the FlexNet publisher form other computers than the license server but then should the localhost be changed to the server IP.
Figure 4: Dashboard of FlexNet Publisher
The installation is now done.
For a video guide see the following link.