Install web services for IMPACT 15 or 16

Last modified by Dennis Knudsen on 2023/08/23 15:45

Install Service Configuration from StruSoft installer. You can find the application through the filter in the IMPACT tab, select the Server (figure 1).


Figure1: Service Configuration in Strusoft Installer

Please note! Service Configuration has dependencies and requires redistributables. If the server is waiting for a windows update, the install of a new version of Service Configuration could result in a reboot of the server. Therefore, installs/updates of the tool should be carried out outside the working hours.

Using the Service Configuration tool to deploy the services

The Service Configuration tool will help you deploy (install) IMPACTs web services. In order to deploy, you need to fill in the blank fields in the application. The first group of text fields is related to the database. Type in Server Name (figure 2, 1), Database (figure 2, 2), User Id (figure 2, 3) and Password (figure 2, 4). The second group 

IMPACT Service Configuration Tool.png

Figure 2: IMPACT Service Configuration Tool

Server name (1)

The server name is found in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. The server name is the name before the brackets. In this case IMPACTSERV2016\SQLEXPRESS.

Server name.png

Figure 3: Server name

Database (2)

The database is found in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. It is located under databases. In this case IMPACT_15.  


Figure 4: Database

User Id & Password (3&4)

The User Id & Password are created and found in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Right-click on Logins under Security and select New Login...


Figure 5: New login

Under the page General, you choose your Login name and your password. Box SQL Server authentication and unbox Enforce password policy.

Login - general.png  

Figure 6: Page: General

Under the page User Mapping, choose your database and box strusoftServiceRole.Login - User Mapping.png

Figure 7: Page: User Mapping

IIS Web Application Name, Security Server & WebAPI (5&9)

These names are chosen and defined by the user. There are two rules:

  • The Security Server & WebAPI names must be different.
  • The names must also differ if more packages are used and defined. IIS Web Application Name.png

Desktop/Mobile/Sync - Secrets (6,7,8)

These secrets are chosen and defined by the user. Although, our recommendation is that they at least have a total of 15 characters, numbers, capital and lower-case letters. 

Storage Configuration

Rejection and disorder use attachments. These attachments can be binary files (pictures).

The attachments can be saved on one of the following storage types:

  • FTP
  • Amazon S3
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Google Clouse Storage


Use the IMPACT Configuration Tool/ Cloud File Storage to set your configurations, see the figure below.


FTP File Storage Configuration

In order to use FTP file storage, you need an FTP server and FTP client. Here you can see how to use Filezilla.

1. Download the FTP server and the client to test. You can download from here:

2. Set your local directory for the FTP server with a user name and password.

Press Edit/User

  • Add a user (name and password)
  • Add a directory

Note that you need to give full rights (tick checkboxes in the red rectangle), see below 

3. Start the client application (FileZilla)

Fill the fields: Host, Username, Password, and then click Quickconnect to test, see below:

4. Use the IMPACT Configuration Tool/ Cloud File Storage to set your FTP configuration, see the figure below.


Settings are saved in the settings file used by the service as below:  

  <!--   Settings for Ftp    -->
  <add key ="FileCloud" value="ftp"/>

  <add key ="FileCloudFtpUri" value="ftp://localhost"/>
  <add key ="FileCloudFtpUserName" value="myName"/>
  <add key ="FileCloudFtpPassword" value="123456"/>
  <add key ="FileCloudFtpUseFtps" value="false"/>
  <add key ="FileCloudFolder" value="impact-file-storage"/>


When all fields all filled you are ready to continue. To do so, click Deploy. deploy.png

Continue with the installation: Set up a file share!