Server-side installation

Last modified by Peter Karlsson on 2023/08/23 15:45



Includes the necessary preparation for the server to host the SQL database and/or the web services. You must be logged in to the server as a user who has system administrative privileges before proceeding with the installation.

System requirements

Make sure that the server intended to host the SQL server and/or the web services follow the recommended system requirements. You can find the system requirements in the info tab in StruSoft installer.


Figure 1: Server system requirements in StruSoft installer

Required runtime environment

Required runtime environment from Microsoft listed below. They need to be installed on the server that's hosting the web services.

  • Microsoft .NET framework 4.8 or later
  • Microsoft Web deployment kit version 3.5 or later

Create a shared directory

Create and share a new directory on the server to use with IMPACT. As an example, it could have the following path: C:\IMPACT. It should be shared with all clients that shall use IMPACT.