Installation - OpenID

Last modified by superadmin on 2023/08/23 15:45

We are assuming that you are installing the application on separate machines as the default website. Eg the URL will be http://localhostfrom the machine where it is installed and from the outside http://theIpOfTheMachine 

  1. Open "Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager" and right click the "Default Web Site" and click "Deploy/Import Application..."Import Application
  2. Browse to where you downloaded the OpenId Server zip file and select it (1). Click next (2).
  3. Click next again.
  4. Clear the text in the Application Path box. (If you are installing multiple web applications on the same port you would here write the subfolder eg: typing IMPACT15_OpenIdServer would give you the URL http://localhost/IMPACT15_OpenIdServer). 
  5. In the ImpactConnectionString as key and the following string  

    Server=TheDatabaseServer;Database=TheDatabase;User Id=TheDatabaseLogin;Password=ThePasswordForTheDatabaseUser;Trusted_Connection=False; MultipleActiveResultSets=True;

    replace the bold text with your settings. Example:

    Server=CUBBIS;Database=impact_1501;User Id=impact_user;Password=MyV3rYg00dPa55word;Trusted_Connection=False; MultipleActiveResultSets=True;
  6. Then add the following additional settings:
    Key: IMPACTDesktopSecret  
    Value: A good unique secret that is not easy to hack

    Key: IMPACTMobileSecret  
    Value: A good unique secret that is not easy to hack

    Key: IMPACTSynchSecret  
    Value: A good unique secret that is not easy to hack

  7. Write down the settings in an external file so that you can use them next time you install och upgrade.
  8. Click next
  9. If you are following the tutorial and are installing it on http://localhost (http://theIpOfTheServer) you will now get a warning, click OK.
  10. On the next screen select Yes.
  11. Click finish.
  12. We are now done installing the application. When you are upgrading just follow these steps.
  13. Browse to http://localhost if everything succeeded you should be greeted with an ok.