It is now possible to define the mass value of an opening

Last modified by Catalin Turluc on 2023/11/14 15:36

Define the mass value of an opening

We have added a new functionality where it is now possible to define the mass value of an opening when the setting "Mounted in factory" is activated. 

The mass value of an opening can be defined both when drawing or when editing the opening. 

Mass value of the opening.png

Figure 1 - Adding mass value of the opening


In this example, we are inserting an opening without defining any mass value of opening, we save the element and then we generate a Shop drawing. The element weight is now 6 tons. 

Element weight when mounted in factory option inactive.png

Figure 2 - Element weight when the mass value of the opening is "0"

After editing the opening by activating the option "Mounted in factory" and adding a mass value of the opening of "1200 kg", the element needs to be resaved before updating/creating the Shop drawing. The element weight is now 7,2 tons. 

Element weight after adding mass value of opening.png

Figure 3 - The mass of the opening is added to the element weight