Draw Erection material on elevation and get it label and specified. Also bring it to the model drawing.

Last modified by Oskar Kristinsson on 2024/01/30 13:14

Improved “Draw Cast-in Material from…”, a sample of welding plates drawn on a floor plan.

New possibility to draw from a pair of CIMs, one source CIM and one reference CIM should be selected. This way different CIMs can be drawn depending on the relation between the selected pair of CIMs.

New possibility to tag a CIM as an “Erection CIM”, these CIMs aren’t added to the elements.



Improved “Draw Cast-in Material from…”, sample of stud bolts drawn with different lengths.

On the elevation drawings the “Erection CIM” will have a label attached to the entity. The label can be customized by adding the new Standard Admin variable “DWGTEXTERECTIONMATERIALLABEL”, by adding macros “$NAME”, “$DESC” and “$REF” the name, description, and reference of the CIM can be displayed.


New command “Generate Erection Materials on Floor Plan…”.

Erection CIMs drawn on the elevation drawing can be generated on floor plan drawings by the new command “Generate Erection Materials on Floor Plan…”.

This command can be invoked several times for the same floor plan drawing since it checks for existing erection CIMS to avoid duplicates.



New command “Draw Table of Erection Materials”.

Erection CIMs drawn on the elevation drawing, or the floor plan drawing can be specified in a table of erection material.



To be able to use this function you need to add the following files to your template_drawings folder
