Possibility to assign endcaps to recess segments

Last modified by Peter Karlsson on 2023/10/13 09:53

We have added a new feature to recesses in form of Endcaps

Yes, that is right, now you can add endcaps to recesses.

But there are a few things you need to know before trying to add endcaps to your recesses.

First of all the recess has to be a Polygon, the endcaps are not applicable to circle or rectangle recess.

The second part I want to mention is that you need to draw the recess first and then edit the recess to add endcaps to it.


This brings new possibilities to the table you can solve cases for walls as per below picture.


For hollowcores you can handle a K-edge for a angled element.

First a picture how it looked in the old version.


And then how it can look like if you add an endcap to the triangular recess in the top left corner.
