Load Reinforcement module

Last modified by niklaspalmgren on 2017/12/01 15:46

To load and set up the Reinforcement module you will have to run an application named IMPACT Reinforcement Configuration Tool, see the image. Note that AutoCAD must be closed for this to work. In the application, you have the possibility to select which language and standard to use. Layers will be different depending on the standard. Usually, users use the Precast standard when using Reinforcement together with the rest of the IMPACT applications/modules. The standard called Standard usually is used when using Reinforcement as a stand-alone application and for cast in-situ projects. Bare green in the Precast standard and magenta in the Standard standard.

The tickbox saying Show language standards only will filter out standards on languages making selection easier. If you want to save your schedule bar sketches in a specific folder you will have to tick that tickbox otherwise the default installation folder is used. Bar sketches are small AutoCAD blocks showing the looks and measures of bars and are used in schedules with pictures.

