Insert Corbel

Last modified by superadmin on 2021/05/04 17:09

Insert corbel command

Insert Corbel is a command in IMPACT Revit that adds Corbel to the structural model. In order to add corbel using Insert Corbel, the user must have drawn in advance the Column and Beam elements. The command can be found in the falling menu from Components tab. 

Insert Corbel in IMPACT.png

Figure 1 - Insert Corbel in IMPACT Revit

1. First step of making a connection with Corbel is to draw the Column and Beam elements first. Use Draw Beam and Draw Column command for this. The whole frame can be drawn as the command gives the possibility to add Corbel for all the Beams and Columns connection. 

Draw beam and draw column.png

Figure 2 - Draw Beam and Draw Column in IMPACT Revit 

2. After the Beams and Columns are drawn go to Components tab and under the falling menu select Insert Corbel command. 

Insert corbel under falling menu.png

Figure 3 - Insert corbel command under falling menu

3. Next step is to import the Corbel family into the project. Make a selection from which folder are the Corbel families going to be imported.  After this is done, the user can select the Corbel families and type and press OK.

Insert corbel command .gif

Figure 4 - Selection of corbel families and folders

4. To make the Corbel connection, select the beams and columns on which the Corbel will be placed on. When all the beams and columns are selected, click on Finish to terminate the Insert Corbel command. 

Insert corbel to beam and column.gif

Figure 5 - Corbel connection between beams and columns using Insert Corbel command