Draw Wall

Last modified by superadmin on 2021/08/30 15:49

In order to draw a Solid Wall, Insulated Wall or Sandwich Wall go to the IMPACT tab -> Draw Wall command. A window will pop up, where the user must select between the following drawing properties: 

Wall type: By default set always to Wall (Solid Wall), however, you can choose from Wall, Insulated Wall or Sandwich Wall.

Current selection: Choose between Wall, Insulated Wall or Sandwich Wall definitions placed on a Common, Local or Project level. 

Definition: Select a Wall, Insulated Wall or Sandwich Wall definition from the selected Common, Local or Project level.

Vertical gap: Shows how many millimetres gap will be inserted between the walls when drawing multiple elements at once.


Figure 1. Draw Wall command. 

Direction Profile

When drawing Wall, Insulated Wall or Sandwich Wall, an arrow pointing to one direction will be inserted accordingly. This arrow is used to identify Wall Panel 1 and the spanning direction of the wall. Arrow will be visible both in 2D and 3D views.

Direction Arrow design can be changed, you can find more information here.


Figure 2. Direction arrow in 2D and 3D view of Wall, Insulated Wall or Sandwich Wall.'

This setting can be triggered in the "Project Settings" functions window under "Direction Profile" section and is called "Visible in Project"


Figure 3. "Visible in Project" setting in the Project Settings function window.