Linked elements

Last modified by Adam Carlson on 2023/08/23 15:44

Specific commands for Linked elements are located under both the Plan and Element tab.

The picture below shows all the commands under the Plan tab that will be presented.

333333333312-27 08_41_26-Window.png

The picture below shows all the commands under the Element tab that will be presented.

44444444444442022-12-27 10_26_13-Window.png


  • Attach Linked...

  • Edit Linked

    Draw Linked...

  • Linked Definitions...

  • Insert Linked...

  • Update Linked...

  • Mirror Linked

  • Location Linked...

  • Draw Stair...

  • Edit Stair...

Shop Drawing Commands


IMPACT has element types for walls, slabs, beams, and columns. There is also a generic element type called ‘Linked’ that can be used for any other purpose. It has a bounding box geometry of Length, Width, and Height. It can have skewed ends like hollow core and it can host holes and recesses. Linked elements can also have reinforcement and cast-in material. It can have all planning and production data like all other element types in IMPACT.

IMPACT distinguish between model elements and manual elements. Model elements have a position in the 3D model. Manual elements have no position in the 3D model but a reference to a building, a floor, and a phase. All element types can be both model and manual. Manual elements are lined up outside the 3D model.


Figure 2: Model elements to the left and manual linked elements to the right


IMPACT for AutoCAD has no staircase module and therefore lacks the ability to draw these as a model element. On the other hand, you can draw the staircase in AutoCAD as a solid and then create a linked element of that geometry. IMPACT then creates a DWG file that contains the solid and saves it into the folder called elements. It is located in the component folder of the project. That file is loaded by the project manager so that the geometry is also displayed there. 

The animation below is showing how to create a simple staircase in AutoCAD and add it to the database as a manual linked element, then display it in the model view. This staircase can be planned for production, transport, and erection like any other element.  


Possibility to mirror Linked elements on the floor plan drawing.

The GIF below will show the procedure to mirror linked elements on a floor plan drawing.


Improved linked element


Two new commands have been added to the “Element” ribbon for improving the functionality of Linked elements on the shop drawings

“Draw Linked…” allows you to draw different views of the linked element on the shop drawing, the “Model” view can be used for changing and saving the linked element, the other 2D views can streamline the work with creating shop drawing for linked elements.


“Save Linked” allows you to redefine the graphics that represent the linked element on the floor plan drawings as well as in the Project Manager.


In addition to the improvements above we’ve also enhanced the graphical representation of the linked elements in Project Manager by storing polymesh surfaces. Blocks such as cast-in materials can also be displayed in the Project Manager since they are exploded into more primitive entities such as lines, polylines, solids, etc before they are stored on the DWI file.


This feature is included in IMPACT 16 only.