View IMPACT Reinforcement object without the program

Last modified by superadmin on 2021/05/04 17:17

How do I get my reinforcement objects drawn correctly on computers that do not have Impact Reinforcement installed?


An alternative is actually to install IMPACT Reinforcement on these computers. Seeing the objects in the drawing does not require a license so no security system needs to be installed on these computers.


The principle of making third-party-developed objects (so-called custom objects) visible without installing the current software is called Proxy. For this to work, you must first make sure that the proxy objects are saved in the dwg file and that the recipient has switched on the view of them.

On the computer that saves the dwg file

Set the value of the system variable PROXYGRAPHICS to 1. This system variable is stored locally on the current computer. You can also set this variable via the SaveAs dialog box.

reinf drawn.gif

Save As/Tools/Options/Save proxy images of custom objects

On the computer that wants to see the proxy objects

Set System variable PROXYSHOW to value 1. This system variable is stored locally on the current computer. You can also set this variable via the Options dialog box.

proxy images for custom objects.png

Options/Open and save/Save Proxy Images of Custom Objects/Show proxy graphics