Last modified by Oskar Kristinsson on 2021/01/14 14:27

With DWGTEXTBACK, DWGTEXTBOTTOM, DWGTEXTFRONT, DWGTEXTLEFTSIDE, DWGTEXTRIGHTSIDE, and DWGTEXTTOP it’s possible to change the default annotation text for placement of components added to an element. DWGTEXTBACK corresponds to the text that should be inserted when selecting the back side of the element, DWGTEXTFRONT corresponds to the front side, and so on.

This variable will be added under Variables in Standard Admin. AutoCAD needs to be refreshed before the change will affect your drawings.


Figure 1: Cast in material dialog


Figure 2: Draw recess/filling dialog


Figure 3: Examples of annotation text

Input values

VariableShort descriptionTypeExample valueDefaut value
DWGTEXTBOTTOMBottom0A text stringB
DWGTEXTBACKBack0A text stringFF
DWGTEXTFRONTFront0A text stringNF
DWGTEXTLEFTSIDELeft side0A text stringLS
DWGTEXTRIGHTSIDERight sideA text stringRS
DWGTEXTTOPTop0A text stringT