General variables
Last modified by Adam Carlson on 2024/10/29 14:26
Below are the general variables that affect IMPACT for AutoCAD
Variable | Short description | Default value |
AUTOUPDATEELEMENTEXTENTS | Setting that turns on (default 1)/off (0) if sticking out extensions; corbels, thickenings, endcaps & CIMs should be added to the total measure or not. | 1 |
AUTOUPDATEELEMENTCIMEXTENTS | Setting that turns on (default 1)/off (0) if sticking out CIMs should be added to the total measure or not. AUTOUPDATEELEMENTEXTENTS overwrites this value. | 1 |
AXEXPORTCIMLIFTGRPIDS | AX - export type exported from Project Manager. Includes lifts and groups that the user defines as lifts. | 0 (group 2 is considered as the default Lift group) |
DWGTEXTREINFALT | Defines the text that will be written for the strandpattern in front of the amount. This is shown in the section and works for prestressed beams, prestressed slabs & hollowcores | STRANDPATTERN: |
DWGDIMPLANNBROFDIMGAPSTOTAL | The number of gaps between the total measurement and the other measurements | 1 |
DWGTEXTDIMPLANCOLUMN | Text at the beginning of the annotation line for columns in plan | 0 |
DWGTEXTDIMPLANOPENING | Text at the beginning of the annotation line for openings in plan | 0 |
DWGTEXTDIMPLANOPENINGINWALL | Text at the beginning of the annotation line for openings in walls in plan | 0 |
DWGTEXTDIMPLANTOTAL | Text at the beginning of the annotation line for the total width in plan | 0 |
DWGTEXTDIMPLANWALL | Text at the beginning of the annotation line for walls in plan | 0 |
DWGTEXT | Control annotation text - Bottom | B |
Text in the reinforcement schedule for stirrups, the text for the endhook1. Text before the direction. | END1 | |
Text in the reinforcement schedule for stirrups, the text for the endhook2. Text before the direction. | END2 | |
Text in the reinforcement schedule for stirrups, direction set to opposite, the text for the endhooks. | O | |
Text in the reinforcement schedule for stirrups, direction set to normal, the text for the endhooks. | N | |
DWGSYMBOLVIEWMAXROWS | Controls the maximum number of rows for the symbol details. | 0 (no limit) |
DWGSYMBOLVIEWSCALE | Controls the scale of symbol details | 1 |
DWGSYMBOLVIEWTEXTHEIGHT | Controls the text size of symbol details | 2 |
ENABLERIGHTCLICKMENU | The AutoCAD/BricsCAD right-click menu that appears when entities are selected now also includes commands for editing elements and components, the right-click menu can be disabled by setting the variable (not visible in SA) to 0 ( off ). By default it is on (1) | 1 |
NOTIFICATIONELEMENTSNOTEDITABLE | This notification is fired when the user tries to edit elements that are locked/frozen or not updated, default 2. Currently not visible in Standard Admin. | 2 |
NOTIFICATIONMODELDRAWINGNOTUPDATED | This notification is fired when opening a plan/elevation drawing that isn’t updated, the possibility to call “Update Plan” or “Update Elevation”, the default value is 2. | 2 |
NOTIFICATIONNOVALIDELEMENTSSELECTED | This notification is fired when the user tries to edit an element with another element's functions. Default value 2, currently not visible in Standard Admin. | 2 |
NOTIFICATIONSHOPDRAWINGNOTUPDATED | This is fired when opening a shop drawing that isn’t updated, the possibility to call “Generate element”, the default value is 2. | 2 |
TABLEREVISIONSHOWLASTROW | Controls if all or only the last drawing revision should be shown | 0 |
TABLECIMMINNBROFROWS | Controls the minimum number of rows for the CIM table | 3 |
TABLEHOLEMINNBROFROWS | Controls the minimum number of rows for the Hole table | 3 |
TABLEMEPKEYMINNBROFROWS | Controls the minimum number of rows for the Mepkey table | 1 |
TABLERCMINNBROFROWS | Controls the minimum number of rows for the Reinforcement table | 3 |
TABLEWALLTIEMINNBROFROWS | Controls the minimum number of rows for the Wall tie table | 1 |
DWGSHEETPLOTTEXT | Text that is plotted on all IMPACT drawings | PLO: $year-$mm-$day $hour:$min $getvar(DWGPREFIX)$dwgname |
DWGTEXTDIMELEVDOOR | Text at the beginning of the annotation line for doors in elevation | - |
DWGTEXTDIMELEVDOORINWALL | Text at the beginning of the annotation line for doors in walls in elevation | - |
DWGTEXTDIMELEVFLOOR | Text at the beginning of the annotation line showing which elements on which floor are measured in elevation | - |
DWGTEXTDIMELEVHORZGAP | The distance between the generated elevation line and the dimension - Horizontal (elevation) | 0 |
DWGTEXTDIMELEVVERTGAP | The distance between the generated elevation line and the dimension - Vertical (elevation) | 0 |
DWGTEXTDIMELEVOPENING | Text at the beginning of the annotation line for openings in elements in elevation | - |
DWGTEXTDIMELEVOPENINGINWALL | Text at the beginning of the annotation line for openings in walls in elevation | - |
DWGTEXTDIMELEVTOTAL | Text at the beginning of the annotation line for the total width and length of the element in elevation | - |
DWGTEXTDIMELEVWALL | Text at the beginning of the annotation line for the total width and length of the wall in elevation | - |
DWGTEXTDIMELEVWINDOW | Text at the beginning of the annotation line for windows in elevation | - |
DWGTEXTELEVATIONSECTIONTITLE | Text at the beginning of the vertical and horizontal section in elevation drawings. The default today is (Name of the section - Name of the section) | $NAME - $NAME |
DWGTEXTCENTEROFGRAVITY | Controls the default text for the center of gravity | CG |
DWGTEXTHEIGHTELEVATION | Sets the text height when creating new elevations in Project Manager in elevation | 3.5 |
DWGTEXTHEIGHTFLOORPLAN | Sets the text height when creating new floor plans in Project Manager | 3.5 |
DWGTEXTSECTIONTITLE | Text at the beginning of the vertical and horizontal section in shop drawings. The default today is (Name of the section) | $NAME |
PREFIXLAYOUTNAME | Controls whether a prefix/suffix should be used for drawing names | 0 (suffix) |
DWGVPORTTABLE | Controls tables of components in layouts | 0 |
AUTOCHECKRCPROPOSAL | Controls if the reinforcement proposal should be automatically ticked or not. | 1 |
TABLERC/CIM/HOLE/WALLTIE/MEPKEYMINNBROFROWS | Controls minimum number of rows | |
SOLIDCOLORBYMATERIAL | Controls the color of elements (solids) | 1 |
UNSAVEDELEMENTCOLORRGB | The variable can be configured to set a user-defined element color for unsaved elements in a plan- or elevation drawing. | Green |
DWGDIMCONTINUOUSSUPPRESSEXTLINE1 | The variable makes it possible to suppress the extension lines for continuous dimension lines. | Predefined |
DWGDIMCONTINUOUSSUPPRESSEXTLINE2 | The variable makes it possible to suppress the extension lines for continuous dimension lines. | Predefined |
DWGDIMFLOORPLANCUTSLABDIMSTYLE | Controls which dimension style to use for the dimension, default "IMPACT28" | IMPACT28 |
DWGTEXTCIMANNOTATION | Sets the blue text which describes the depth of CIM in an element | t= |
DWGENDCAPVIEWMAXROWS | Controls the presentation of endcap details | 0 |
DWGDIMSWITCHLAYER | Of on (1), IMPACT will set layer “BASE_DETAIL_DIMENSION” to the current layer when invoking any AutoCAD dimension command. | 0 |
DWGENDCAPLINEUPSCALE | Controls the scale of the Line-up project endcap view | 2 |
DWGENDCAPVIEWSCALE | Controls the scale of the endcap view | 1 |
DWGISOMETRICVIEW8 | Controls the orientation of the solid in shop drawings | 0 |
DWGVPORTSCALETOFITROUNDOFF | Determines the round off for "scale to fit" scale | 5 |
DWGVPORTTABLECIMCOLUMN | Controls in which column (0 or 1 where 0 is the column to the right) the CIM table should be placed | 0 |
DWGVPORTTABLECIMROW | Controls in which row (0,1,2,3) the CIM table should be placed | 0 |
DWGVPORTTABLEHOLECOLUMN | Controls in which column (0 or 1 where 0 is the column to the right) the hole table should be placed | 1 |
DWGVPORTTABLEHOLEROW | Controls in which row (0,1,2,3) the Hole table should be placed | 0 |
DWGVPORTTABLEMEPKEYCOLUMN | Controls in which column (0 or 1 where 0 is the column to the right) the MEP key table should be placed | 1 |
DWGVPORTTABLEMEPKEYROW | Controls in which row (0,1,2,3) the Hole table should be placed | 3 |
DWGVPORTTABLERCCOLUMN | Controls in which column (0 or 1 where 0 is the column to the right) the reinforcement table should be placed | 0 |
DWGVPORTTABLERCSCHEDULECOLUMN | Controls in which column (0 or 1 where 0 is the column to the right) the reinforcement schedule table should be placed | 0 |
DWGVPORTTABLERCSCHEDULEROW | Controls in which row (0,1,2,3) the reinforcement schedule table should be placed | 2 |
DWGVPORTTABLERCROW | Controls in which row (0,1,2,3) the reinforcement table should be placed | 1 |
DWGVPORTTABLEWALLTIECOLUMN | Controls in which column (0 or 1 where 0 is the column to the right) the wall tie table should be placed | 0 |
DWGVPORTTABLEWALLTIEROW | Controls in which row (0,1,2,3) the wall tie table should be placed | 3 |
RCSCHEDULEVPORTROTATION | Controls the rotation of the reinforcement schedule | 0 |
IMP_DRAWING_STATUS_APPROVAL | Silent command for setting drawing status and date of approval and ready for production | 0 |
RCVIEWVPORTMARGIN | Determines the distance to the margin for viewports. This affect the views 4,5,6 & 7 | 1 |
VPORTMARGIN | Determines the distance to the margin for viewports. This does not affect the views 4,5,6 & 7 | 1 |
DWGELEVHORZSECTIONCIMTOLERANCEAFTER | Sets the "tolerance after" value for the CIM, horizontal section in elevation | 200 |
DWGELEVHORZSECTIONCIMTOLERANCEBEFORE | Sets the "tolerance before" value for the CIM, horizontal section in elevation | 50 |
DWGELEVHORZSECTIONSHOWALLCIM | Sets if "Include all cast-in materials" should be marked as default in the horizontal section in elevation | 0 |
DWGELEVHORZSECTIONSHOWCIM | Sets if "Show cast-in materials" should be marked as default in the horizontal section in elevation | 1 |
DWGELEVVERTSECTIONCIMTOLERANCEAFTER | Sets the "tolerance after" value for the CIM, vertical section in elevation | 200 |
DWGELEVVERTSECTIONCIMTOLERANCEBEFORE | Sets the "tolerance before" value for the CIM, vertical section in elevation | 50 |
DWGELEVVERTSECTIONSHOWALLCIM | Sets if "Include all cast-in materials" should be marked as default in the vertical section in elevation | 0 |
DWGELEVVERTSECTIONSHOWCIM | Sets if "Show cast-in materials" should be marked as default in the vertical section in elevation | 1 |
DWGDIMELEV | The default selection of dimension lines in the elevation is customizable | 27 |
DWGDIMELEVPLACING | Sets the placing order for the dimension lines | 2;1;8 |
DWGDIMPLAN | The default selection of dimension lines in the plan is customizable | 31 |
DWGDIMPLANPLACING | Sets the placing order for the dimension lines | 16;4;2;1;8 |
DWGQRCODESIZE | Set to define the size of the QR-code | 0 |
DWGRECESSCUTMESH | Set "cut reinforcement mesh" as default or not at the recess properties. | 1 |
DWGTEXTQRCODECONTENTS | Set to define what information the QR-code should contain | 0 |
SOLIDTRANSPARENCY | Sets the transparency for the solid view in shop drawings | 0 |
EXPORT_DDB2_SPENNCON | Adds extra information to the DDB2-export from the Project Manager if added | 0 |
UNITECHNIKCIMGROUPIDASTYPEOFMOUNTPART | Possibility to add an id to single CIM:s to be able to sort them out in the laser. | 0 |
USECIMSIZEFORELEMENTEXTENTS | When the setting is on the application uses the size values of the cast-in materials to calculate the extension of the elements. When the setting is off the application uses the block reference size of the cast-in materials to calculate the extension of the elements. | 1 |
MOUNTPARTDESIGNATIONMEPITEMPANEL2 | Shows panel 2 MEP-keys in panel 1 in the Unitechnik file | 0 |
PRODUCABILITYLOGFILENOERRORS | Sets if there should be created a Producibility log file if there are no errors | 1 |
PRODUCABILITYLOGFILEEXTENSION | Sets the file extension of the producibility log | Log |
VISIBILITYBUILDING | Settings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Building" should be shown in the plan/elevation. | 0 |
VISIBILITYDEFINITION | Settings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Definition" should be shown in the plan/elevation. | 0 |
VISIBILITYELEMENTHEIGHT | Settings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Height" should be shown in the plan/elevation. | 0 |
VISIBILITYELEMENTID | Settings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Element id" should be shown in the plan/elevation. | 0 |
VISIBILITYELEMENTLENGTH | Settings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Length" should be shown in the plan/elevation. | 0 |
VISIBILITYELEMENTMARK | Settings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Element mark" should be shown in the plan/elevation. | 1 |
VISIBILITYELEMENTMASS | Settings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Mass" should be shown in the plan/elevation. | 0 |
VISIBILITYELEMENTSIZE | Settings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Size" should be shown in the plan/elevation. | 0 |
VISIBILITYELEMENTWIDTH | Settings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Width" should be shown in the plan/elevation. | 0 |
VISIBILITYELEVATIONLINE | Settings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Elevation line" should be shown in the plan/elevation. | 0 |
VISIBILITYELEVATIONZ | Settings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Depth placing" should be shown in the plan/elevation. | 0 |
VISIBILITYERECTIONSEQUENCE | Settings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Erection sequence" should be shown in the plan/elevation. | 0 |
VISIBILITYFLOOR | Settings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Floor" should be shown in the plan/elevation. | 0 |
VISIBILITYPHASE | Settings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Phase" should be shown in the plan/elevation. | 0 |
VISIBILITYSTRANDPATTERN | Settings Plan - Sets if the property "Strandpattern" should be shown in the plan. This can be shown for prestressed slabs, prestressed beams, and hollow cores. | 0 |
VISIBILITYTRANSPORTID | Settings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Transport no" should be shown in the plan/elevation. | 0 |
SINGLEFILEPLOT | Settings Plot - Sets if each plotted drawing should use a new AutoCAD Session instead of the default 10 per session. | 0 |
SINGLEFILEBATCHSIGN | Settings Batch sign - Sets if each batch signed drawing should use a new AutoCAD Session instead of the default 10 per session. | 0 |
SINGLEFILEPUBLISH | Settings Publish - Sets if each Published drawing should use a new AutoCAD Session instead of the default 10 per session. | 0 |
WAITINGTIMEFORSCRIPTTORUN | Sets the timeout in seconds for the AutoCAD session if "SingleFile" is used. | 0 |
SHOWMEPKEYCOMPONENTSWIREFRAME | Possibility to show the MEP-key components in the Wireframe mode on the floor plans. | 0 |