General variables

Last modified by Adam Carlson on 2024/10/29 14:26

Below are the general variables that affect IMPACT for AutoCAD

VariableShort descriptionDefault value

Setting that turns on (default 1)/off (0) if sticking out extensions; corbels, thickenings, endcaps & CIMs should be added to the total measure or not. 


Setting that turns on (default 1)/off (0) if sticking out CIMs should be added to the total measure or not.


AXEXPORTCIMLIFTGRPIDSAX - export type exported from Project Manager. Includes lifts and groups that the user defines as lifts.0 (group 2 is considered as the default Lift group)
DWGTEXTREINFALTDefines the text that will be written for the strandpattern in front of the amount. This is shown in the section and works for prestressed beams, prestressed slabs & hollowcoresSTRANDPATTERN:
DWGDIMPLANNBROFDIMGAPSTOTALThe number of gaps between the total measurement and the other measurements1
DWGTEXTDIMPLANCOLUMNText at the beginning of the annotation line for columns in plan0
DWGTEXTDIMPLANOPENINGText at the beginning of the annotation line for openings in plan0
DWGTEXTDIMPLANOPENINGINWALLText at the beginning of the annotation line for openings in walls in plan0
DWGTEXTDIMPLANTOTALText at the beginning of the annotation line for the total width in plan0
DWGTEXTDIMPLANWALLText at the beginning of the annotation line for walls in plan0
DWGTEXTControl annotation text - BottomB
Text in the reinforcement schedule for stirrups, the text for the endhook1. Text before the direction.END1
Text in the reinforcement schedule for stirrups, the text for the endhook2. Text before the direction.END2
Text in the reinforcement schedule for stirrups, direction set to opposite, the text for the endhooks.O
Text in the reinforcement schedule for stirrups, direction set to normal, the text for the endhooks.N
DWGSYMBOLVIEWMAXROWSControls the maximum number of rows for the symbol details.0 (no limit)
DWGSYMBOLVIEWSCALEControls the scale of symbol details1
DWGSYMBOLVIEWTEXTHEIGHTControls the text size of symbol details2
ENABLERIGHTCLICKMENUThe AutoCAD/BricsCAD right-click menu that appears when entities are selected now also includes commands for editing elements and components, the right-click menu can be disabled by setting the variable (not visible in SA) to 0 ( off ). By default it is on (1)1
NOTIFICATIONELEMENTSNOTEDITABLEThis notification is fired when the user tries to edit elements that are locked/frozen or not updated, default 2. Currently not visible in Standard Admin.2
NOTIFICATIONMODELDRAWINGNOTUPDATEDThis notification is fired when opening a plan/elevation drawing that isn’t updated, the possibility to call “Update Plan” or “Update Elevation”, the default value is 2.2
NOTIFICATIONNOVALIDELEMENTSSELECTEDThis notification is fired when the user tries to edit an element with another element's functions. Default value 2, currently not visible in Standard Admin.2
NOTIFICATIONSHOPDRAWINGNOTUPDATEDThis is fired when opening a shop drawing that isn’t updated, the possibility to call “Generate element”, the default value is 2.2
TABLEREVISIONSHOWLASTROWControls if all or only the last drawing revision should be shown0
TABLECIMMINNBROFROWSControls the minimum number of rows for the CIM table3
TABLEHOLEMINNBROFROWSControls the minimum number of rows for the Hole table3
TABLEMEPKEYMINNBROFROWSControls the minimum number of rows for the Mepkey table1
TABLERCMINNBROFROWSControls the minimum number of rows for the Reinforcement table3
TABLEWALLTIEMINNBROFROWSControls the minimum number of rows for the Wall tie table1
DWGSHEETPLOTTEXTText that is plotted on all IMPACT drawingsPLO: $year-$mm-$day $hour:$min $getvar(DWGPREFIX)$dwgname
DWGTEXTDIMELEVDOORText at the beginning of the annotation line for doors in elevation-
DWGTEXTDIMELEVDOORINWALLText at the beginning of the annotation line for doors in walls in elevation-
DWGTEXTDIMELEVFLOORText at the beginning of the annotation line showing which elements on which floor are measured in elevation-
DWGTEXTDIMELEVHORZGAPThe distance between the generated elevation line and the dimension - Horizontal (elevation)0
DWGTEXTDIMELEVVERTGAPThe distance between the generated elevation line and the dimension - Vertical (elevation)0
DWGTEXTDIMELEVOPENINGText at the beginning of the annotation line for openings in elements in elevation-
DWGTEXTDIMELEVOPENINGINWALLText at the beginning of the annotation line for openings in walls in elevation-
DWGTEXTDIMELEVTOTALText at the beginning of the annotation line for the total width and length of the element in elevation-
DWGTEXTDIMELEVWALLText at the beginning of the annotation line for the total width and length of the wall in elevation-
DWGTEXTDIMELEVWINDOWText at the beginning of the annotation line for windows in elevation-
DWGTEXTELEVATIONSECTIONTITLEText at the beginning of the vertical and horizontal section in elevation drawings. The default today is (Name of the section - Name of the section)$NAME - $NAME
DWGTEXTCENTEROFGRAVITYControls the default text for the center of gravity CG
DWGTEXTHEIGHTELEVATIONSets the text height when creating new elevations in Project Manager in elevation3.5
DWGTEXTHEIGHTFLOORPLANSets the text height when creating new floor plans in Project Manager3.5
DWGTEXTSECTIONTITLEText at the beginning of the vertical and horizontal section in shop drawings. The default today is (Name of the section)


PREFIXLAYOUTNAMEControls whether a prefix/suffix should be used for drawing names0 (suffix)
DWGVPORTTABLEControls tables of components in layouts0
AUTOCHECKRCPROPOSALControls if the reinforcement proposal should be automatically ticked or not.1
SOLIDCOLORBYMATERIALControls the color of elements (solids)1
UNSAVEDELEMENTCOLORRGBThe variable can be configured to set a user-defined element color for unsaved elements in a plan- or elevation drawing.Green
DWGDIMCONTINUOUSSUPPRESSEXTLINE1The variable makes it possible to suppress the extension lines for continuous dimension lines.Predefined 
DWGDIMCONTINUOUSSUPPRESSEXTLINE2The variable makes it possible to suppress the extension lines for continuous dimension lines.Predefined 
DWGDIMFLOORPLANCUTSLABDIMSTYLEControls which dimension style to use for the dimension, default "IMPACT28"IMPACT28
DWGTEXTCIMANNOTATIONSets the blue text which describes the depth of CIM in an elementt=
DWGENDCAPVIEWMAXROWSControls the presentation of endcap details 0
DWGDIMSWITCHLAYEROf on (1), IMPACT will set layer “BASE_DETAIL_DIMENSION” to the current layer when invoking any AutoCAD dimension command.0
DWGENDCAPLINEUPSCALEControls the scale of the Line-up project endcap view2
DWGENDCAPVIEWSCALEControls the scale of the endcap view1
DWGISOMETRICVIEW8Controls the orientation of the solid in shop drawings0
DWGVPORTSCALETOFITROUNDOFFDetermines the round off for "scale to fit" scale5
DWGVPORTTABLECIMCOLUMNControls in which column (0 or 1 where 0 is the column to the right) the CIM table should be placed0
DWGVPORTTABLECIMROWControls in which row (0,1,2,3) the CIM table should be placed0
DWGVPORTTABLEHOLECOLUMNControls in which column (0 or 1 where 0 is the column to the right) the hole table should be placed1
DWGVPORTTABLEHOLEROWControls in which row (0,1,2,3) the Hole table should be placed0
DWGVPORTTABLEMEPKEYCOLUMNControls in which column (0 or 1 where 0 is the column to the right) the MEP key table should be placed1
DWGVPORTTABLEMEPKEYROWControls in which row (0,1,2,3) the Hole table should be placed3
DWGVPORTTABLERCCOLUMNControls in which column (0 or 1 where 0 is the column to the right) the reinforcement table should be placed0
DWGVPORTTABLERCSCHEDULECOLUMNControls in which column (0 or 1 where 0 is the column to the right) the reinforcement schedule table should be placed0
DWGVPORTTABLERCSCHEDULEROWControls in which row (0,1,2,3) the reinforcement schedule table should be placed2
DWGVPORTTABLERCROWControls in which row (0,1,2,3) the reinforcement table should be placed1
DWGVPORTTABLEWALLTIECOLUMNControls in which column (0 or 1 where 0 is the column to the right) the wall tie table should be placed0
DWGVPORTTABLEWALLTIEROWControls in which row (0,1,2,3) the wall tie table should be placed3
RCSCHEDULEVPORTROTATIONControls the rotation of the reinforcement schedule0
IMP_DRAWING_STATUS_APPROVALSilent command for setting drawing status and date of approval and ready for production0
RCVIEWVPORTMARGINDetermines the distance to the margin for viewports. This affect the views 4,5,6 & 71
VPORTMARGINDetermines the distance to the margin for viewports. This does not affect the views 4,5,6 & 71
DWGELEVHORZSECTIONCIMTOLERANCEAFTERSets the "tolerance after" value for the CIM, horizontal section in elevation200
DWGELEVHORZSECTIONCIMTOLERANCEBEFORESets the "tolerance before" value for the CIM, horizontal section in elevation50
DWGELEVHORZSECTIONSHOWALLCIMSets if "Include all cast-in materials" should be marked as default in the horizontal section in elevation0
DWGELEVHORZSECTIONSHOWCIMSets if "Show cast-in materials" should be marked as default in the horizontal section in elevation1
DWGELEVVERTSECTIONCIMTOLERANCEAFTERSets the "tolerance after" value for the CIM, vertical section in elevation200
DWGELEVVERTSECTIONCIMTOLERANCEBEFORESets the "tolerance before" value for the CIM, vertical section in elevation50
DWGELEVVERTSECTIONSHOWALLCIMSets if "Include all cast-in materials" should be marked as default in the vertical section in elevation0
DWGELEVVERTSECTIONSHOWCIMSets if "Show cast-in materials" should be marked as default in the vertical section in elevation1
DWGDIMELEVThe default selection of dimension lines in the elevation is customizable27
DWGDIMELEVPLACINGSets the placing order for the dimension lines2;1;8
DWGDIMPLANThe default selection of dimension lines in the plan is customizable31
DWGDIMPLANPLACINGSets the placing order for the dimension lines16;4;2;1;8
DWGQRCODESIZESet to define the size of the QR-code0
DWGRECESSCUTMESHSet "cut reinforcement mesh" as default or not at the recess properties.1
DWGTEXTQRCODECONTENTSSet to define what information the QR-code should contain0
SOLIDTRANSPARENCYSets the transparency for the solid view in shop drawings0
EXPORT_DDB2_SPENNCONAdds extra information to the DDB2-export from the Project Manager if added0
UNITECHNIKCIMGROUPIDASTYPEOFMOUNTPARTPossibility to add an id to single CIM:s to be able to sort them out in the laser.0

When the setting is on the application uses the size values of the cast-in materials to calculate the extension of the elements.

When the setting is off the application uses the block reference size of the cast-in materials to calculate the extension of the elements.

MOUNTPARTDESIGNATIONMEPITEMPANEL2Shows panel 2 MEP-keys in panel 1 in the Unitechnik file0
PRODUCABILITYLOGFILENOERRORSSets if there should be created a Producibility log file if there are no errors1
PRODUCABILITYLOGFILEEXTENSIONSets the file extension of the producibility logLog
VISIBILITYBUILDINGSettings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Building" should be shown in the plan/elevation.0
VISIBILITYDEFINITIONSettings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Definition" should be shown in the plan/elevation.0
VISIBILITYELEMENTHEIGHTSettings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Height" should be shown in the plan/elevation.0
VISIBILITYELEMENTIDSettings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Element id" should be shown in the plan/elevation.0
VISIBILITYELEMENTLENGTHSettings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Length" should be shown in the plan/elevation.0
VISIBILITYELEMENTMARKSettings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Element mark" should be shown in the plan/elevation.1
VISIBILITYELEMENTMASSSettings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Mass" should be shown in the plan/elevation.0
VISIBILITYELEMENTSIZESettings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Size" should be shown in the plan/elevation.0
VISIBILITYELEMENTWIDTHSettings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Width" should be shown in the plan/elevation.0
VISIBILITYELEVATIONLINESettings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Elevation line" should be shown in the plan/elevation.0
VISIBILITYELEVATIONZSettings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Depth placing" should be shown in the plan/elevation.0
VISIBILITYERECTIONSEQUENCESettings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Erection sequence" should be shown in the plan/elevation.0
VISIBILITYFLOORSettings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Floor" should be shown in the plan/elevation.0
VISIBILITYPHASESettings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Phase" should be shown in the plan/elevation.0
VISIBILITYSTRANDPATTERNSettings Plan - Sets if the property "Strandpattern" should be shown in the plan. This can be shown for prestressed slabs, prestressed beams, and hollow cores.0
VISIBILITYTRANSPORTIDSettings Plan/Elevation - Sets if the property "Transport no" should be shown in the plan/elevation.0
SINGLEFILEPLOTSettings Plot - Sets if each plotted drawing should use a new AutoCAD Session instead of the default 10 per session.0
SINGLEFILEBATCHSIGNSettings Batch sign - Sets if each batch signed drawing should use a new AutoCAD Session instead of the default 10 per session.0
SINGLEFILEPUBLISHSettings Publish - Sets if each Published drawing should use a new AutoCAD Session instead of the default 10 per session.0
WAITINGTIMEFORSCRIPTTORUNSets the timeout in seconds for the AutoCAD session if "SingleFile" is used.0
SHOWMEPKEYCOMPONENTSWIREFRAMEPossibility to show the MEP-key components in the Wireframe mode on the floor plans.0