Import to fields and options
As for ease of use, we have added the feature to import from excel the fields and options for the drawing types.
What does that mean?
When you are adding the specifications to a specific drawing type you now can export the fields from the specifications and import the ones that you want to the fields and options under the drawing type.
Here is how you do it.
Export from Specification
To make your work easier you have the option to export all of the fields from the specifications.
If you right-click on the fields and select Export to Excel
You will be prompted with a save window. Just give the file a name and pick the location for it.
You will get an excel file that contains the name of the fields and a column for the options.
Import to Fields
Before you import the excel file to the desired drawing type, trim it down to the fields that you require for that specific drawing type.
In my case, I want to use the following fields. Save the file.
After you have trimmed the fields that you do not want to use just import the file to fields under the desired drawing type.
You have two options to import the file:
One is that you right-click on the fields
The other is that you can right-click I the Drawing type fields
After you have selected the file and imported it looks like this
If you have a field name that does not correspond to the fields under specification that line will not be imported, but all of the others will be.
You will get prompted with a notification if that is the case.
Import to options
Now that the fields are in place, it is time to work on the options.
You can use the same file as before. Even out space according to how many lines you have to use for each of the fields.
Then you can start to copy the fields and adding all of the options.
When all of the options are added you can import the excel file to the options
When importing you have the same import options as you do with the fields.