Create an IMPACT database

Last modified by Dennis Knudsen on 2022/08/24 12:54

IMPACT Server SQL & Roles Script is not publicly available so you'll need to contact the support to get a download link.


Make sure that you have verified that your database is supported by IMPACT & the newest .Net Desktop Runtime 3.1.xx installed (Select the "Run Desktop apps").

Create a New Database

New IMPACT databases are created with the help of the IMPACT Database Creation Tool. 

Figure 1: IMPACT Database Creation Tool

Provide the following information

  • Server: Name of the database server such as
  • Database: Name of the database to create such as IMPACT16.
  • User: a user with privileges to create a database. Windows authentication can be used if you logged on user has privileges to create a new database.
  • Password: a password for the user allowed to create a database.

Press Execute to create the database and wait for the application to confirm that the database has been created.

Verify Database Creation


Figure 2: An IMPACT17 Database

Use Microsoft's SQL Server Management Studio to verify that the database has been created.

Create IMPACT Roles.

To be able to deploy the WebAPI and migrate to IMPACT 17 are two user roles needed - These roles are created with a script. It's important that the [YOUR_DATABASE_NAME_HERE] is changed to the name of the newly created IMPACT Database. In this case, should it be changed to [IMPACT_17].


Figure 3: Create Roles Script

Create Service and Migration user.

To be able to deploy the WebAPI and migrate to IMPACT 17 are two users needed - One with the service role (Like we always have) and one for the Migration role (Full rights).

The User Id & Password are created and found in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Right-click on Logins under Security and select New Login...


Figure 4: New Login

The ImpactDatabaseAdminUser is the first user that should be created and is used to migrate the database.

Under the page General, you choose your Login name and your password. Box SQL Server authentication and unbox Enforce password policy.


Figure 5: The General Page

Under the page User Mapping, choose your database and box StrusoftDBARole, db_datareader & db_datawriter.


Figure 6: Page: User Mapping

This was the user for the migration - Make a second user called ImpactServiceUser this user should contain the StrusoftServiceRole instead of the StruSoftDBARole and will function as the service connection. The reason why two users are created is that the ImpactServiceUser has fewer rights than the 

Continue with the installation: Install web services!