Separate graphical object from cutlength for the bars to address the acute angle issue

Last modified by Peter Karlsson on 2024/03/19 08:20

Since IMPACT Reinforcement was released first time the graphical representation and the cutlength has been the same.

For stirrups with acute angle the steel will elongate, requiring the steel cutting length to be shorter to meet the specified values set in the shape code.

A good example of this is the Swedish standard stirrups F, EX and NX.

In the picture below you can see the behavior of IMPACT Reinforcement 13.0 where the cutlength and the graphical object are one and in IMPACT Reinforcement 14.0 where we have separated them.


In IMPACT Reinforcement 14 the values that are given is the values that the graphical object will get and the adjustment will be on the cutlength instead,

If you open a drawing from IMPACT Reinforcement 13.0 or older you can type the command IMPRC_UPGRADEBARS the old bars will be upgraded to IMPACT Reinforcement 14.0 format.