Added a new presentation view 44 for the bar mesh on slabs and walls

Last modified by Dennis Knudsen on 2024/01/29 11:35

We have added a new drawing view for bar mesh on slabs and walls and it looks like this.


NOTE: Bars can be changed in the reinforcement bar mesh view but these changes are not saved in the database, all changes must be in the original reinforcement views.

Adding this new drawing view gives us a better overview of the bar meshes and if there is a bend bar mest even better

For displaying the bended bar mesh we need to set up some variables in Standard admin and some recommended changes in the BL file.

First, we recommend making a new multileader style to the BL file.

Note that this has to be made in both BL files and will affect new drawings in new projects unless you add the multileader manually to other drawings.

In the DWG file type MLEADERSTYLE

Create a new multileader style, in this case, I will call it MESHVIEW


Select what symbol you want to use for the leader, I will select Dot blank and press ok.


Now you have set up the BL file, remember to do this in both BL files

We have 4 variables that need to be set in the reinforcement in Standard admin

"BAR_MESH_MLEADER_STYLE" the name of the Multileader style to be used for the leaders, default "Standard".

"BAR_MESH_MLEADER_ARROW_NAME" the name of the block to be used as arrow for the leaders, default "" which means the block used in the multileader style is used.

"BAR_MESH_MLEADER_ARROW_SIZE" the size of the block to be used as arrow for the leaders, default "1".

"BAR_MESH_BENDING_DETAIL_SCALE" the scale of the bending details drawn, default 1.5.

And here is a picture with my values,


The last part is to add the drawing view in the template

When all comes together it will look like this


If you have 3 bar meshes in fx sandwich wall all 3 meshes will be shown in an individual view. and they stack vertically in the drawing.

Of course, there is viewports for this drawing view as well.

In version 17.0.018 is there added even more flexibility to view 44 in the form of more variables and small tweaks to the view.

The following variables have been added:

BAR_MESH_VIEW_AWAY_SYMBOL_SIZEControls the size of away symbols for reinforcement bends in view 442.0
BAR_MESH_VIEW_AWAY_SYMBOL_TYPEControls the symbol for the bent bars in view 44 when facing away1
BAR_MESH_VIEW_JUSTIFICATIONSets the justification of the View 44TR
BAR_MESH_BENDING_DETAIL_SCALESets the scale of the bending details drawn1.5
BAR_MESH_MLEADER_ARROW_NAMEThe name of the block to be used as arrow for the leaders, default - which means the block used in the multileader style is used-
BAR_MESH_MLEADER_ARROW_SIZESets the size of the block to be used as arrow for the leaders1
BAR_MESH_MLEADER_STYLESets the name of the Multileader style to be used for the leadersStandard
BAR_MESH_VIEW_RADIUS_MLEADER_ARROW_NAMEThe name of the block to be used as arrow for the leaders when adding a radius to the detailing for the bend_ClosedFilled
BAR_MESH_VIEW_RADIUS_MLEADER_ARROW_SIZESets the size of the block to be used as arrow for the leaders when adding a radius to the detailing for the bend1.0
BAR_MESH_VIEW_RADIUS_MLEADER_STYLESets the name for the Multileader when adding a radius to the detailing for the bend, default - which means variable "BAR_MESH_MLEADER_STYLE" will be used.-
BAR_MESH_VIEW_TOWARDS_SYMBOL_SIZEControls the size of towards symbols for reinforcement bends in view 442.0
BAR_MESH_VIEW_TOWARDS_SYMBOL_TYPEControls the symbol for the bent bars in view 44 when faced towards2
BAR_MESH_VIEW_SINGLE_LEADER_SYMMETRICAL_BARSets if the Dimension lines in view 44 should be grouped for Symmetrical bars1