
Last modified by Linus Karlsson on 2024/06/19 14:40

Until now, we have used endcaps for walls, slabs, and hollow cores to modify the outer edges of the elements. In this chapter, we will learn how to create the endcap definitions for sandwich walls and balconies. 

Endcap for sandwich

The endcap for sandwich walls is the most complex one due to the three layers of the element. Nonetheless, it's easy to create the endcap definition for such elements if it's done in a structured manner. 


Before starting with the definition, we need to do some preparation to use as a base for the definition. This should be done on a legend view. Usually, it's done in two steps. The first part (Level of detail 2) will be used to define the endcap definition so that IMPACT can modify the geometry, and the second part (Level of detail 1) will be the detail showing on the shop drawing. 

prep 2.png

Figure 1. Preparation for creating an endcap.

To organize the endcaps for future modifications and such, it's a good idea to collect all endcaps in a legend view in the project template. In that way, it's easy to get an overview of the endcaps which exists, and it's also easy to reuse geometry to create similar endcaps. 

prep 1.png

Figure 2. Endcap legend in the project template. 

Before we start to define the endcap, we need to know the orientation of the endcap definition

  1. The insertion point should always be lower left corner. The element should continue from left to right. 
  2. The inner panel should always be down.


Figure 3. Lower left corner and inner panel down.

Level of detail 1

This detail will be added as a legend on the shop drawing for elements where the endcap is used. It's quite free what could be included in this detail:

  • Detail lines
  • Dimensions
  • Text
  • Filled regions

Level of detail 2

This detail should only contain detail lines. To be able to control the geometry and the automatic reinforcement, we need to configure several sets of lines. 

  1. Outer geometry - will control the outer edge
  2. Layer boundary - will control the division of layers (Inner panel, insulation, and outer panel)
  3. Reinforcement boundary - will control where the automatic reinforcement (RC Template) will stop

different lines.png

Figure 4. Sets of lines.

NOTE: the two lines for the reinforcement boundary (3) could be the same as for the outer geometry (1), but different lines are used in this example to help clarify.

Now it's time to do the preparation so that we can create the endcap 'WD34-115'. Open the legend view 'IMPACT Endcap Legend' and find the highlighted endcap. 


Figure 5. Endcap to be created. 

The level of detail 1 and 2 is created as a group, so the first task is to create the exact same geometry as in the group. 

Go to Annotate - Detail - Detail line to start the line command.

There are several line styles prepared. Select 'Endcap profile'.

endcap profile.png

Figure 6. Line style 'Endcap profile'.

Draw lines on top of the outer profile. NOTE: it's easiest to do this with 'Chain' unchecked.

uncheck chain.png

Figure 7. Uncheck chain.

draw profile.gif

Figure 8. Draw profile.

The endcap should have a gap in the end. To make this, we need to put the insertion point outside the endcap profile. Thus, draw two lines as a reference for the insertion point. 

draw insertion.gif

Figure 9. Draw lines for insertion point.

layer boundary.png

Figure 10. Line style 'Layer boundary'.

draw layer boundary.gif

Figure 8. Draw layer boundary.

RC boundary.png

Figure 11. Line style 'RC boundary'.

draw rc boundary.gif

Figure 12. Draw RC boundary.

Go to the level of detail 1 and continue to draw all lines with line style 'Endcap profile'.

endcap profile.png

Figure 13. Line style 'Endcap profile'.

draw lod 1.gif

Figure 14. Draw the whole level of detail 1.

Continue with creating the filled regions for the concrete and insulation. (NOTE: This is not necessary, but it will result in a nice looking detail on the drawing.)

Go to Annotate - Detail - Filled region to start the line command.

Select the type 'Concrete'. Create filled regions for both the inner and outer panel at the same time. 

type conc.png

Figure 15. Select type 'Concrete'. 

draw filled.gif

Figure 16. Create filled regions.

check mark.png

Figure 17. End the command with the green check mark.

Repeat the steps above for the insulation. Don't forget to change the type to 'Insulation'. 

The next step is to add some dimensions. 

Go to Annotate - Dimension - Aligned to start the line command.

draw dim.gif

Figure 18. Add dimensions.

To avoid mistakes, delete the group that we used as reference. 

delete ref.gif

Figure 19. Delete reference.

Create endcap definition

Go to IMPACT - Elements - Wall Endcaps to start the line command.

Make sure that current selection is set to 'Project' and type is set to 'Sandwich' (1). Then click on 'New' (2).

end def 1.png

Figure 20. Create new endcap definition.


Figure 21. Name the endcap.

Start with selecting 'Level of detail 2' (1) and start to pick geometry (2) and end with 'Finish'. 

end def 2.png

Figure 22. Endcap definition.

pick geometry.gif

Figure 23. Pick geometry.

Continue to pick the layer boundary. Start with the boundary between inner panel and insulation, press 'Finish', select the boundary between insulation and the outer panel. End with 'Finish'.

pick layer.gif

Figure 24. Pick layer boundary.

Select RC boundary. 

pick layer.gif

Figure 25. Pick RC boundary. 

The last step is to select the level of detail 1.

end def lod1.png

Figure 26. Change to Level of Detail 1.

pick lod1.gif

Figure 27. Pick level of detail 1.

The endcap definition is now completed. Save the definition by clicking 'OK'.

Endcap for balcony

The endcaps for balconies needs to be created in a very specific way due to the sloping of the top. 

balc slope.png

Figure 28. Balcony with sloped top.


We learned the concept of endcaps above, so we start to create the endcaps for the balcony immediately. 

Open Level 2. We are going to use one of the finished balconies for this exercise.

Go to IMPACT - Elements - Edit slab to start the line command.

Select the balcony between grids G-H and 3-4.

edit balc.png

Figure 29. Select balcony.

Remove all endcaps from the slab by selecting 'None' (1) for one of the edges and click 'Copy to all' (2). Finish with 'OK'.

edit balc2.png

Figure 30. Remove endcaps.

edit balc res.png

Figure 31. Balcony without endcaps.

The endcaps for the balconies will always be unique for a specific width. E.g. a 2000mm wide balcony cannot have the same endcaps as a 2200mm wide balcony due to the slope. Thus, the balcony endcaps will most likely always be project specific. 

The first step to create the endcaps is to check the size of the balcony slab. This can be done with a section. We have 'Section 1' prepared. Open Level 2 and move it so that it cuts the balcony. 

move section.gif

Figure 32. Move section.

Go to the project browser and open the section view.

Section PB2.png

Figure 33. Open the section view.

Now, the width and thickness can be measured. NOTE: It can be tricky to see the whole width when visual style is set to 'Shaded'. Switch to 'Wireframe' to see this better.

visual style .gif

Figure 34. Change visual style.

balc meas.png

Figure 35. Measure the balcony.

The width is 2040mm and the thickness 185. 

Go to 'IMPACT Endcap Legend' view. There are two balcony endcaps prepared in the lower left of the legend. Zoom in and duplicate the frame. Change the name to 'E19-2040-Ba' and 'E19-2040-Fr'.  

endcap leg.png

Figure 36. IMPACT Endcap Legend.

ref frame.png

Figure 37. Prepare the frame for the new endcaps.

We are going to start with level of detail 2. 

Outside the frame, draw a rectangle with the width 2040mm and height 185mm. We are going to use this rectangle to create both the endcaps (the back one and the sloped front). The back endcap should extrude from the top and then continue with the a slope.

What point of the slab will define the thickness? 

For IMPACT to be able to insert the endcaps in a slab, the 'open' part of the endcap (where the slab will continue) needs to be the same thickness as the original slab. This means that both our endcaps needs to have the same thickness in the 'open' part. Figure 38 shows us where this point will be for our endcaps. 

thickness balc end1.png

Figure 38. Prepare endcaps.

Let's draw some geometry with the help of the rectangle.

dim balc geom.png

Figure 39. Balcony geometry in the rectangle.

Delete the rectangle. 

dim balc geom res.png

Figure 40. Final balcony geometry.

It's important to leave two horizontal lines of 10mm each between the slope and the extruded part. This so that IMPACT can understand the thickness of the endcaps in the upcoming steps.

It's time to divide the balcony geometry into two endcaps. To do this easiest, draw a line in between the two 10mm lines and down. Take a copy of all lines and use the trim function to create the two endcaps.

split endcaps.gif

Figure 41. Trim geometry into two endcaps.

The insertion point needs to be lower left corner, so the back endcap needs to be mirrored. 

end geo res.png

Figure 42. Endcap references prepared.

Now, it's time to move the endcaps to the frames and continue with the preparation. 

end geo res frame.png

Figure 43. Endcap references prepared in the frame.