Draw walls

Last modified by Linus Karlsson on 2024/02/19 17:04

It is time to start drawing some sandwich walls. We are going to use the definition we looked at in the previous chapter. 

Make sure that you are at the level 1 view. 

Go to IMPACT - Elements - Draw Wall to start the command. 

Select the wall type sandwich, and find the definition 'SW34' on the project level. Finish with 'OK'.

select definition1.png

Figure 1. Select the sandwich wall definition.

Before starting to draw the walls, we need to make sure that the settings are correct. Do the following configurations in the green ribbon above the model view:

  1. Select 'Height' - this setting enables us to draw the walls from level one and up.
  2. Select 'Level 3' - this means that the top of the walls will end on level 3. This will result in walls on two floors.
  3. Select 'Finish Face: Interior' - this so that we can draw the walls according to the inside on the external reference.
  4. Select 'Disallow' - to prevent the walls from merging in corners. 

place wall settings.png

Figure 2. Settings for drawing walls.

Note: a general rule of thumb when we work with IMPACT is that insertion points are lower left corner. It means that the element will be drawn from left to right. We can see that for definition 'SW34', we need to draw it clockwise. If not, we will end up with the outer panel on the inside of the building. 

direction of drawings.png

Figure 3. Draw the building clockwise since we have the setting inner panel up.


Figure 4. How it look like if we draw the elements counterclockwise.

draw walls.gif

Figure 5. Draw sandwich walls.

We can now see that all external walls are added. Let us continue with the internal walls. 

Go to IMPACT - Elements - Draw Wall to start the command.

Select the wall type wall, and find the definition 'WP20' on the project level. Finish with 'OK'.

Use the same setup for drawing the elements as we did when we drew the sandwich walls. 

The solid walls do not have an inside and outside. The only thing is that the bracings are placed on one side of the elements. This means that it is not important to draw the inner walls in a specific way. Just make sure that the bracings are placed on the preferred side of the wall. 

draw solid walls.gif

Figure 6. Draw walls.

The walls are now in the model. The issue is that they are big and heavy. In the next step, we will divide them into smaller pieces. 

Next: Split walls

