
Last modified by Thomas Gitsas on 2024/04/19 14:17


In order to create Disorders/Rejections and Notifications on your precast elements, you will first need to create "Issues" (reasons for non-conformance) in IMPACT. For the purpose of this training, some basic Issues have already been created in the database.

If you are a Production Admin and would like to know how to create new "Issues" in IMPACT then follow this link.

If you are following the training material then please continue on this page.

Disorders/Rejections - General Information

Non-conformance in IMPACT means disorders and rejections of elements.

Disorder (in IMPACT) Is an issue with an element that happened during or after production and needs to be dealt with (repaired). If the issue is repairable then disorder is the right term. Every element (Element Id) can have multiple disorders created.

Rejection (in IMPACT) Is a disorder that is non-repairable, which means that the element is now scrapped and needs to be replanned for production!

The best way to work with disorders and rejections should reflect the real-life workflow and that is the example that we will follow below. It is important to note that disorders and rejections can be created in many ways in the system and the following is just a training example!

A disorder can also be created for a whole project and not only for a specific element. That can happen by pressing the disorder button on the top of PM.

Create a disorder in IMPACT Go

Creating a disorder is fairly simple in IMPACT Go. Select an element and then press “i”. Select Issues, then Disorders, and then press the plus sign add to create a new one.


The following information needs to be filled and the disorder needs to be assigned to a specific user. If you want you can also create a notification (mail notification) for the user that you have assigned the disorder to.



The above reflects a real-life example as people on the floor most of the time will not have access to a computer, but only the mobile app.

Now we should go back to the Cast Planner, find the element with the disorder on the calendar view, select it and then open the disorders window.



We will see that the disorder is beyond repair and that means that we need to reject the element.


Note: If the element was repairable, we could assign it to somebody else who needs to repair it. Then that person should do the repairing and then add pictures of the element though the app. After reviewing them, we can change the status of the disorder to closed and move the element to storage!


Create a Rejection in the Cast Planner

Close the Disorder window.

We should now select the element, right-click and then select “Reject element”.


A similar window to disorder will pop up, and we need to fill out the new information regarding the rejection.

Now it is important to remember to Replan the element either directly from the window or after the disorder is created from our model again!



IMPORTANT Note: If there is no space to move it to tomorrow, then you will need to first make some space by moving elements around, and then replan the rejected element from the model view (or create the rejection afterwards).

Note: If you change the element colour to “Cast” you will be able to see the difference between an element with a disorder and a rejection that has been replanned.


Note: You can also change the colour to “Disorders” and give that a try.


Summary of Disorders/Rejections in RM

All the Disorders and Rejections in our database, are gathered under the corresponding tabs in RM.


Those tabs show you an overview of all the non-conformance in your database. You also have the option to print them out or review them directly from there! Fill out the filters, press "Refresh Data" and see how many open disorders we have from a specific period of time


Note: Different disorder statuses are reflected by different colours. This gives us a filtering option to understand how many open non-conformance cases we have at any given point in our company!


Note: An active disorder case becomes Red when the deadline for resolving it has passed.


Note: The disorder colours are also reflected in the mobile app, though the disorder triangle.


PM Notifications

It was mentioned briefly above but except for disorders (or along with the disorders and rejections), you can create a notification that will be applied to specific users from PM.

Select an element, right-click on it and then press "Add Notification...".


A new window will pop up and you will need to be able to fill out the empty fields and send the notification to specific users. If in doubt, always send the notification to Thomas Gitsas at thomas.gitsas@strusoft.com.


You can also set up a mail server in IMPACT that will allow you to send an email directly created from the notification, after you press OK, as shown below.


Continue to the next part of the training here.