Specific Production Company Settings

Last modified by Dennis Knudsen on 2023/02/28 09:46

IMPACT Resource Manager settings are vital in setting up and maintaining the company production settings and environment. Settings are divided into two sections, this is section II. In this section, the tree view settings are described, see figure 1 for the tree view.


Figure 1, Project Manager settings tree view

There are 15 different possible selections in the tree view, and they are hereby presented one at a time.


Addresses present an overview of the stored addresses in the system. This is where the address administrator can add and delete addresses, see figure 2.


Figure 2, Addresses

There are two major parts of this view, a filter and a presentation of the filtered addresses. The filter options are:

  • Name
  • Type
    • Delivery Address
    • Shipper
    • Consignee
    • Other
    • <All>
  • Description
  • Country
  • City
  • Street

When not using the options in the filter, all addresses will be displayed after pressing the refresh button.


Agents present an overview of the available agents in the system, see figure 3.


Figure 3, Agents

The agents view contains two major parts, the filter, and the agents view. The filter options are:

  • Name
  • Type
    • Transport Company
    • Driver
    • Contact
    • Other
    • <All>
  • Personnr
  • First Name
  • Last Name

When not using the options in the filter, all agents will be displayed after pressing the refresh button.

Working Calendar

The Working Calendar contains two major parts, Working Days and Invalid Days for each Division, please see figure 4.


Figure 4, The Working Calendar

In the working calendar, working days and holidays can be specified. There are two kinds of days for the calendar:

  • Working Days
    • Days when the selected Division is up and running, weekends may be specified as a holiday (day-off)
  • Invalid Days
    • Days where the selected Division is either on holiday (day-off) or working

The settings made in the working calendar are made by Division and therefore must be set for each division separately. The settings made here influence the cast calendar and the setup will be visible when doing cast planning.


In Factories, each production factory is added and thereby assigned a Production Factory id, see figure 5.


Figure 5, Production Factories

Here, the following fields are available for each factory:

  • Name
  • External Name
  • Main Address
  • Pickup Address
  • Invoice Address
  • CE Code
  • Transport Code
  • Tran Gan Code
  • Text1
  • Text2
  • Text3
  • Text4
  • Description
  • Production Factory Id

After adding a factory with the "+"-button, the fields may be edited.


The Divisions section is where production divisions are added, see figure 6.


Figure 6, Production Divisions

When a new production division is added, it is given a unique division id. Add a division by pressing the "+"-button. Each division contains the following fields:

  • Name
  • Division Type
    • Production
    • Transport
    • Other
  • Factory
  • Manager
  • Address
  • Description
  • Division Id

The set field data is then saved by pressing the "Save Changes"-button that appears after the creation of a new division.

Divisions also contain the possibility to add the number of hours available during a time period and the number of active working shifts during this period, see figure 7. Especially take note of the Production Date filter, this can be used to plan and view specific time periods.


Figure 7, Divisions time and shift specification (left), Division user administration (right)

Adding a third shift with 160 allocatable work hours during a five day period can be accomplished by right clicking in the Available Times window, see figure 8 and 9.


Figure 8 adding a new shift, new


Figure 9, adding a new shift, creating newly available times

Added other workload capacities than time

In Resource Manager, under settings -> Divisions you can add capacities to a division. Selecting a division and going to the tab "Other Capacities" the user is able to select different types of capacities.


Figure 10, Capacities for mass

These capacities are based on weeks. When the capacities have been added you will be able to see a red line that represents the capacities under Workload.


Figure 11, Viewing other capacities (mass)

Cast Units

Cast Units is where cast units are added to a specific production Division, hence, before creating cast units, a production division must be created.


Figure 12, Cast Units, note that a division is selected

There are three different types of cast units:

  • Bed
  • Table
  • Pallet

If the factory is using strand reinforcement, the bed strand type is to be changed from Standard to Bed, please see figure 13.


Figure 13, Cast Units, Strand Type set to Bed and five strands added

The strands have the following settings:

  • Used (check or unchecked)
  • Position (1, 2, ..., n)
  • X (X-coordinate)
  • Y (Y-coordinate)
  • Dimension (stand diameter in milimeters)
  • Quality
  • Prestressing (MPa)

Element Groups

For each factory, element groups may be created. Each element group contains:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Unit
  • BBC (Tickbox for True/False)
  • CE (Tickbox for True/False)
  • EN Code (for example SS-EN XXXXX)
  • EN Description


Figure 14, Element Groups


Storages are where Storages are added to a specific Factory, hence, before a storage unit, a factory must be available, see figure 15.


Figure 15, Storages

Each storage must have a name, a description is optional.

Stack Template

Stack templates allow the user to set up different stack templates so the stack shouldn’t be defined for each stack there is made on the project.

In the stack template can the user define some rules for the stack and the stack size (only necessary if “Use visual stacker is Yes).


The following settings should be defined when “Use visual stack is either Yes or No”:

Name – Defines the name of the template

Type – Sets the stack type – There are 4 different stack types

  • Horizontal – The stack size is based on the largest element (length/width) and the number of elements (Element height + Tolerance between the elements).
  • Vertical - The stack size is based on the largest element (length/height) and the number of elements (Element width + Tolerance between the elements).
  • Rack
  • Undefined

Max Element Length – The maximum length of the elements that can be placed on the stack.

Max Element Width – The maximum width of the elements that can be placed on the stack.

Max Element Height – The maximum height of the elements that can be placed on the stack.

Max Mass – The maximum mass of the elements that can be placed on the stack. (T)

Max Element Count – The maximum element count that can be placed on the stack.

The following settings should only be defined when “Use visual stack" is “Yes” - Despite these settings only are used for the visual part could it be a good idea to set up these settings because the element placement is calculated with and without the "Viusal stack":

Tolerance X – Tolerance between elements in the X-direction.

Tolerance Y – Tolerance between elements in the Y-direction.

Tolerance Z – Tolerance between elements in the Z-direction.

Rack Type – Sets the stack type – There are 5 different rack types (Click on the rack type for a detailed description of how the settings affect the specific rack type).

Loading Direction – Which side is the elements loaded from.

  • Left - Loading starts from the left side
  • Right - Loading starts from the right side
  • Center - loading starts in the center of the stack and then is the elements placed on the right, left, right … side

Rack Length – The length of the rack.

Rack Width – The width of the rack.

Rack Height – The height of the rack.      

Rack Top Width – The top width of a rack.

Rack Angle – The angle of the rack for the side where the elements are placed, in degrees.

Own Mass – The own mass of the rack. (T)

Rack Centroid X – The center of gravity in X-direction for the rack itself.

Rack Centroid Y – The center of gravity in Y-direction for the rack itself.

Rack Centroid Z – The center of gravity in Z-direction for the rack itself.

Figure 16 shows an example of a stack template:


Figure 16, Stack Templates

Click on “Definition of axes and Left/Right” to get a detailed description of the axes and Left/Right.

Definition of axes and Left/Right

Transport Vehicle

Transport Vehicle (See figure 17) allows the user to create the different vehicles that are used to transport the elements to the site. Each vehicle can have different “rules” to match the limitations of the vehicles that are used for transport.


Figure 17, Transport Vehicles

The following settings should be defined when “Use visual stack is either Yes or No”:

Name – Defines the name of the vehicle

Vehicle Type – Sets the vehicle type – There are 5 different vehicle types (Click on the vehicle type for a detailed description of how the settings affect the specific vehicle type).

Description – A description of the vehicle.

Max Element Length – The maximum length of the elements that can be placed on the vehicle.

Max Element Width – The maximum width of the elements that can be placed on the vehicle.

Max Element Height – The maximum height of the elements that can be placed on the vehicle.

Max Mass – The maximum mass of the elements that can be placed on the vehicle. (T)

Max Element Count – The maximum element count that can be placed on the vehicle.

The following settings should only be defined when “Use visual stack is “Yes” – It could, however, be a good idea to set these settings up to make the transition to 3D visualization easier:

Vehicle Length – The length of the vehicle

Vehicle Width – The width of the vehicle

Vehicle Height – The height of the vehicle                    

Upper Deck Height (Only used for vehicle type lowered Semi-Trailer & Inloader) – The distance from the upper deck to the level where the elements are placed.

Upper Deck Length (Only used for vehicle type lowered Semi-Trailer & Inloader) – The length of the upper deck.

The vehicle axle settings should only be defined when “Use visual stack” is “Yes” – It could, however, be a good idea to set these settings up to make the transition to 3D visualization easier:

Type – Sets the axle type – There are 4 different axle types.

  • Pin
  • Axle
  • Bogie Axle
  • Triple Axle

Placement – The placement of the axle. For the first axle/pin is it the distance from where the element can be placed to the axle (always positive).

For the second axle is it the distance from the pin or the place where the elements can be placed (see Vehicle types for an example of placement).

Curb Weight – The own weight of the axle. (T)

Max Axle Mass – The total mass that the axle must press with (include own mass). (T)

Figure 17.1 shows an example of how the setting could be:


Transport Template

Transport template is where predefined transport unites and attached stacks, are defined. The template is defined with a description (The name of the template) and an order number (In what order the transport template should be shown on the selection list in Project Manager)

After the transport template is created, a transport vehicle is assigned and a default stack for that vehicle is selected. It's possible to add multiple vehicles to one template.

Fields under Transport template:

Description (Transport Templates) – The description of the transport template

Order – The order number of the transport template

Name – A drop-down menu with all the transport vehicles.

Vehicle Type – Shows the vehicle type of the selected vehicle (This will be shown as Undecided until the changes are saved)

Description (Vehicles) – Shows the vehicle description of the selected vehicle.

Default Stack – A drop-down menu with all the stack template – The selected stack will be on the vehicle when the transport is created. If the default stack is empty then a default one is automatically generated with the transport. This stack will not have any stack measures but will have the same element restrictions and mass capacity as the selected vehicle.

Figure 18 shows an example of a transport template:


Figure 18, Transport Templates

In vehicles, the transport vehicles defined in Transport Vehicle can be added to the Transport Template. For each template, transport actors can be added, see figure 19.


Figure 19, Transport Templates - Transport Actors

Transport Cost

Transport Cost is where the names and validity time range of transport price lists can be stored. Available fields are:

  • Valid From
  • Valid To
  • External Name
  • Description


Status is where the status of the precast elements is configured, see figure 20.


Figure 20, Status

The following fields can be configured:

  • Status Id
  • Description
  • Status Type
  • Color

The first two are fully customizable, where the selection for Status Type and Color is selected from a predefined list:

  • Status Type
    • No status
    • Not ready for production
    • Ready for production
    • Planned for production
    • Planned and approved
    • Produced
    • Produced and approved
    • On storage
    • Planned for delivery
    • Call-off
    • On Waybill
    • Delivered
  • Color
    • White
    • Red
    • Orange
    • Brown
    • Yellow
    • Green
    • DarkGreen
    • Cyan
    • Blue
    • Navy
    • DarkBlue
    • Magenta
    • Purple
    • Black
    • Gray

Message Log

The message log is where info messages and errors are reported, see figure 16. The is also a search filter to search the log, see figure 21.


Figure 21, Message Log and filter


The user is able to add Reasons, Sub-reasons, and categories for disorders and rejections under settings in Resource Manager.


Figure 22, viewing available reasons, sub-reasons and categories

When creating a disorder or rejection the user is able to select which Reason, Sub-Reason and category that fits.


Figure 23, Creating/editing disorder

Element Control System Settings

In IMPACT Production Suite it possible to define a set of element control templates for different element types (e.g. slabs, solid walls, double walls, Sandwich walls, etc). Each control template may have an unlimited number of attachments (images). After planning elements on cast units in a certain factory and division, it is possible to easily assign element controls to single or multiple elements by reusing the predefined control templates. 

The element control system is implemented in the Cast Planning module which is available in the Resource Manager and Project Manager. It is integrated into the Cast Planning with access control. Images supplied by the user are assigned for different control types.

In order to add controls to elements you first have to set up the available controls for different element types. This is done in Resource Manager Settings, under Element Control. Each control has a name, status type, element type, and a category.


Figure 24, Main controls

The status type is used to set the status of an element if/when the control passes. Being able to choose between "Planned and Approved" for checks that are to be done before the element is produced and then "Produced and Approved" for controls on elements that have been produced. Choosing the element type simply states what elements that can have this control. The category is used so that there can be many controls with the same element type.

Each control can also have attachments (images) connected to them.


Figure 25, List of images attached to a control

The user can also copy a control, choosing different element types.


Figure 26, Button for copying selected main control


Figure 27, Copy dialog for choosing the new element type

Every main control has checks or "sub-controls" connected to them. There are two kinds of checks, Simple check and Measurement check. A measurement check can also have attachments (images) and tolerances connected to them. As the name suggests simple checks are meant to be easy and fast to use, containing less information than measurement checks. Below are two images where you can see the difference between them in settings.


Figure 28, Measurement check


Figure 29, Simple check


There are 2 issues under the advanced tab, see below.


SQL Search Method

After analyzing the sql select generated when pressing Refresh Data RM/Storage we came to conclusion that in some cases the select clause must be modified to get better performance.

Since we are supporting different versions of Sql Server, we need to give the customer a possibility to set the suitable setting for their Sql server. The options below are used.

  • Division, This is the currently used option (the default one), means that the search clause is using production division ids
  • Factory, means that the search clause is using production factory id
  • All, means that the function is first loading data for all factories from database and then retrieves data for the current factory from the result returned from the database.

Number Generator

Number generator is where the ID numbers for delivery notes are generated. These numbers can be controlled by changing the following fields:

  • Upper Bound
  • Lower Bound
  • Next Number

Access Right

Only users with sys-admin rights can change the value in RM/Settings/Advanced.



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